Thursday, June 06, 2013

Thursday Thirteen 291: What's in the Fridge?

My schedule has been really messed up lately, so here's a quick and lazy T13 for this week -- thirteen items in the refrigerator. I'm embarrassed to admit that the fridge is so empty these days, I was just barely able to pull this one off. Maybe I should have gone with what's in the freezer. Eh, next time. . .

1. Milk
2. Eggs (only two left)
3. Butter
4. Cheddar cheese
5. Pickles
6. Bread
7. Ketchup
8. Honey barbeque sauce
9. Potatoes
10. Parmesan
11. Leftovers from Tuesday night
12. Lemonade
13. Bottle of water

LINKING TO: Thursday Thirteen


Alice Audrey said...

You keep bread in the refrigerator? It makes it go stale faster, but can stave off mold longer.

colleen said...

Could make a nice omelet and home fries with that. Yes, I learned the word stolid from you!

Mia Celeste said...

Hmm. Maybe you could make hash browns and pancakes or maybe, give in and go out for something. :)

anthonynorth said...

I think my first item in the fridge would have to be beer :-)

The Gal Herself said...

My parmesan is sitting out on the kitchen counter. Should I refrigerate it? I've got a bottle of honey bbq too.

CountryDew said...

Hmm. I don't keep bread in the fridge but I do freeze it occasionally. Usually only for a few days to try to keep it from going stale too quickly. You need a trip to the store!

Jennifer Leeland said...

I have most of those items too. Add Romaine lettuce that we have to keep to feed the tortoise. LOL!

Heather said...

Alice: This particualr bread has no preservatives, so it molds in only a few days. Since I can't eat an entire loaf in a week, I freeze most of it, and take out a couple slices at a time. I keep them in an airtight container in the fridge and have not had a problem with it going stale that way.

Heather said...

Colleen: I actually had an omelet for breakfast Wednesday. I kept out a little of the Italian sausage I browned for dinner Tuesday to go inside along with some cheddar cheese. It was sooo good!

Heather said...

Mia: LOL...I have been thinking about making pancakes this weekend. A batch makes so many, though, that I have to make sure I have a couple storage bowls clean so I can freeze a couple servings. And, while the fridge seems fairly empty, the freezer and cupboards are well-stocked.

Heather said...

Anthony: ROFL! Despite being Wisconsin born and bred, I never have liked the taste or smell of bear. I'm more a white wine or mixed drinks kind of girl. ;)

Heather said...

Gal: Always check the labels. Both my barbeque sauce and parmesan say "refrigerate after opening." ;)

Heather said...

Anita: Despite the state of my fridge, the freezer and cupboards are well-stocked. I have broth, spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, pasta, soup, etc in the cupboards. There is meat and veggies in the freezer. And ice cream.

I always keep a good supply of frozen veggies on hand -- frozen are healthier than canned and easy to portion control when single. I also think they taste a LOT better. By only cookig enough for a couple meals at a time, I waste less and can mix them up more often.

Another month or so and I'll have fresh zucchini, beans, eggplant and peas. I don't buy a lot of fresh fruit at a time because it tends to spoil faster than I can eat it, and I hate throwing food away.

Heather said...

Jennifer: LOL... I confess, I'm not all that fond of romaine lettuce. I prefer iceberg when I buy it, but I really have to plan ahead when I do, so I can make stuff that will actually use the lettuce before it starts to go bad.

I'd like to know how people who only eat salads all the time survive. I mean, I'm not adverse to the occasional salad, but when I have tried to be "good" and eat more of them...I'm hungry within a couple hours of eating. Of course, I either don't like or can't eat most of the "traditional" salad veggies, which probably has a lot to do with that. :-\

Shelley Munro said...

I always keep my bread in the fridge. It lasts much better, but my bread doesn't have any preservatives at all.

Potatoes though - never. I keep those in the dark pantry.

Alice Audrey said...

Wisconsin tends to be particularly moldy anyway.

Heather said...

Shelley: Thank you for being another bread-in-the-fridge person. I've found that my potatoes last much longer when kept in the crisper drawer. It's that whole one person can't eat five pounds of potatoes fast enough thing again. ;)

Heather said...

Alice: Especially this year, with all the endless rain. Even when it isn't raining it still feels damp. I'm tired of these cold, dreary days!

Paige Tyler said...

We have the milk, ketchup and parmesan cheese!


Heather said...

Hi Paige! I actually have grapes in the fridge now, too. And a bag of Kit Kats. *g*