Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thursday Thirteen 301: Blooming Butterflies

In mid-August, a friend and I were at Olbrich Botanical Gardens during one of the final days of this year's "Blooming Butterflies" event, held in the Bolz Conservatory. Here are thirteen photos of some of the butterflies seen.

LINKING TO: Thursday Thirteen


Alice Audrey said...

I am so jealous. I went through my archives recently to find I don't have a single good butterfly picture. Not one.

Heather said...

Alice: Bummer! I admit, it's much easier to get decent pics when they are somewhat contained as they are in the Bolz Conservatory each summer.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Heather! We went to the Audubon Insectarium in New Orleans in July, and they have a butterfly conservatory. It is beautiful! I love butterflies. Happy Thursday!

CountryDew said...

Great pictures. I have never seen some of these butterflies.

Alice Audrey said...

That's a good point. I don't have any way to contain them.

Paige Tyler said...

Love butterflies! They're so beautiful!


My TT is at

Heather said...

Stephanie: Thank you. I've never heard of the Audubon Insectarium -- but then, I haven't been to New Orleans in more than ten years.

Heather said...

Thanks, Anita. These are all species native to this area, so it's possible they don't range as far east as the Virginias. I think I've seen all of these on our local prairies, but they sure are easier to photograph at the conservatory.

Heather said...

Poor Alice, lol. Blooming Butterflies is held at Olbrich every summer for six weeks. It's always a popular event for them.

Jennifer Leeland said...

There are BEAUTIFUL! I love butterflies. We have a new place called Butterfly Way here.

Heather said...

Thanks, Paige!

Heather said...

Thanks, Jennifer! *VBG*

colleen said...

I have only ever seen the black and yellow swallowtails this year. Some of the ones you posted I have never seen.

Heather said...

Hi Colleen: Don't you love swallowtails? As mentioned to Anita, these are all species native to our area, and may not be found in the eastern US.

Kate said...

Beautiful photos; such a pleasure to see these.

Heather said...

Thanks, Kate -- and thanks for visiting!