Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thursday Thirteen 304: Olbrich Botanical Gardens

Last week I shared a few of my butterfly photos taken on a visit to Olbrich Botanical Gardens last month. Today I thought I'd share a few photos taken in some of the outer gardens.

Flamingo Feathers

Chocolate Daisy--and yes, it really smells like chocolate!

Waterfall in Rock Garden

Grape Arbor

Quick Fire Panicle Hydrangea

LINKING TO: Thursday Thirteen


CountryDew said...

Those are beautiful. I've never heard of a chocolate daisy. What a wonderful asset to your community those gardens are.

sandyland said...

I felt like I was there

colleen said...

Nice! I like the first one best.

Alice Audrey said...

Between this week and last, we've both got photo themes going.

Jennifer Leeland said...

Ooooh! the quick fire Hydrangea is gorgeous! I love it when you put these up.

Heather said...

Anita: I had never heard of a chocolate daisy before, either. Chocolate mint, yes. Daisies, no. They are part of a "sensory" garden within the Herb Gardens, where people are encouraged to touch, taste and smell a variety of plants.

Heather said...

Sandyland: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the "tour." ☺

Heather said...

Alice: know what they say, great minds think alike. Besides, photo posts are easy when you fail to come up with other ideas. *G*

Heather said...

Colleen: Thanks, I was drawn to the flamingo feathers all over the gardens. They have an interesting texture, too. Not downy soft, but slightly bristly. If I ever had room for a garden, even just a container garden, I would definitely want some of these.

Heather said...

Thanks, Jennifer! The quick fire was another flower I was drawn to. I love the speckled color and different texture of the petals compared to your typical hydrangea.

Pearl said...

one year I'll build a waterfall rock garden. maybe 2015.

Heather said...

Peark: I would love a waterfall feature in a private garden. The only downside is that it can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Paige Tyler said...

Those are beautiful flowers! Love flowers!


My TT is at

Kimberly Menozzi said...

Those are beautiful photos! The shot of the waterfall made me feel relaxed almost on sight. :)

Heather said...

Thanks, Kimberly! The Rock Garden is a peaceful place to sit. There are benches and chairs scattered throughout Olbrich where one may sit to read, paint or simply contemplate nature.

Hazel said...

Pretty T13. My faves are the flamingo feathers and the grape arbor.


Heather said...

Thanks, Hazel! I'm glad others like those flamingo feathers as much as I do. : )