Saturday, October 26, 2013

Random photo: The Runner

Much like the US Post Office, neither rain
nor sleet nor snow can hinder a serious runner.


Shelley Munro said...

Quite true. They're out in all weathers. Around us cyclists are the same. I tend to stay home and not cycle when the wind gets up, but some of the locals are out battling around the streets!

Heather said...

Same here, Shelley! I keep looking at my bike and telling myself I should go for a short ride, or even a short walk, but when it's windy and/or raining...I just can't force myself to budge a foot outdoors. *Shivers*

Jana said...

I'm with y'all, Shell and Trix. If it's raining or too windy? Not happening.

Alice Audrey said...

He must be one of those people who gets a runner high. I marvel at them.

Heather said...

Jana: I had a feeling we'd be of like mind. :D

Heather said...

Alice: Uh-huh... You can't help admire their work ethic, even if you do think they're crazy.