Sunday, October 20, 2013

Random Photo: Two Turkeys

Out for a neighborhood stroll . . .


Greg said...

Love to see wild turkeys- we used to get more wildlife where we used to live, not so much anymore. Miss sights like that!

Shelley Munro said...

They should probably run at this time of the year. Right?

Heather said...

Greg: We see a lot of wild turkeys in my neighborhood, as well as other wildlife -- deer, raccoons, coyotes, groundhogs, foxes, hawks -- due to the proximity of various preserves. I am within easy walking distance of both the UW-Madison Arboretum and Dawley Conservancy/Dunn's Marsh.

Heather said...

Shelley: Hehe... Maybe these guys realize they are safe within the city limits -- unlike their country cousins who are fair game (pun intended) during the spring and fall turkey seasons. I love coming across them on my walks. :)