1. First of all, is autumn your favorite season? Why or why not? Yes, I love the crisp cool days, the crunch of leaves under foot, geese against an October blue sky, and just the way the air smells.
2. Is it ‘autumn’ or ‘fall’, to you? I’ve always preferred the word AUTUMN.
3. What kind of weather does your area get during this season? Depends on the day. One day it’s near 80F, the next it’s 50 or 60. Today it's around 70 and overcast with a chance of rain or storms through Saturday.
4. Were you born in an autumn month? No, technically the end of winter. It is not uncommon to have a blizzard or a monsoon for my birthday.
5. Do you pay attention to any ‘fall fashions’? Not really. Maybe if I actually had a clothing budget.
7. Is it still fun to rake the leaves and jump in piles of them? Raking has never been fun. Living in an apartment, one would think I would escape that "pleasure," but no — I usually end up helping a friend a couple times each year.
8. Do you enjoy carving pumpkins? Not especially. I haven’t carved one in years.
9. Do you eat the pumpkin seeds? If so, do you put any kind of flavoring on it? Used to, when I did carve pumpkins. We usually just salted them.
11. Are there any county fairs or festivals held nearby during this time? Yes, but mostly for Oktoberfest. Hello — it’s Wisconsin!
12. What is your favorite dessert for this time of year? Anything with apples is always a hit this time of year, but for a once-a-year treat? Pumpkin ice cream. Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried! Edy’s has a good "Pumpkin Patch" ice cream, not to mention pumpkin blizzards from Dairy Queen. Mmm…
13. Combining two for the last one: Is your Thanksgiving Day in October or November, if you even celebrate it? If you do celebrate it, where do you usually have Thanksgiving dinner? November. The last few years I have spent the day with a friend’s family. We cook, we gorge, we peruse the sales ads and plot our strategy, then get little sleep for the next two or three days. No, we do not shop the entirety of those three days, but depending on sales, we might hit a few stores each day. We just can’t do 20 stores in one day the way we used to. Plus, we’re a lot smarter now.
What do you like about autumn?
LINKING TO: Thursday Thirteen
Great answers, and good way to do a TT! I prefer Autumn myself, but use them both somewhat interchangeably.
Love your answers, Heather. It's also my favorite season, and I've always referred to it as "autumn" too. Great post idea. I might have to borrow it from you next week. :) Happy Thursday!
Thanks, Anita. I liked reading your answers to the full meme on Sunday, and decided they might make for a good T13 post.
Stephanie: Thank you -- fell free to borrow, as I did. Check out the SS link for more fall/autumn questions, if interested. ☺
We've been running between 40 and 60 for a high for nearly three weeks now. There is snow on the mountains and it's raining more days than not. Wanna trade?
I'm a spring girl myself , but autumn comes close. Loved reading about your autumn activities. You know I've never raked leaves in my life. We have mostly natives in our garden and the ones we have keep their leaves. I guess the trade off is the pretty colors.
It's autumn for me too, and it is my favorite time of year. Love the cooler weather, turning leaves, etc.
Alice: WHile I've had enough of the 80s, I wouldn't mind keeping temps mid-60 to 70 for a little while longer. We're supposed to be getting some much-needed rain over the next three days, and that is fine with me, too. You can definitely keep the snow. I don't want to see that for a couple more months yet.
Shelley: Yes, the bonus of autumn in my area is definitely the changing leaves. Maples are particularly showy right now.
Greg: I'm glad I'm not alone in my preference for autumn - both the designation and the season.
Fun TT! We paint faces on the pumpkins instead of carving them!
Hi Paige! Decorating pumpkins with paint and other items seems to be a popular trend right now.
I love the Fall. My favorite parts? SOUP SEASON. I love making soup when it turns cold.
Jennifer: Yes, soup season is upon is. I usually have bowls of it in my freezer throughout the winter. Sometimes I wish I had a bigger freezer, lol.
I love autumn even if I have never been anywhere where the season is happening. Is that possible or okay? It must be that framed picture of a glorious Swedish fall on the wall we had at home so many years ago.
Hazel: You can like any season you want, whether you've actually experienced it or not! ☺
I mostly like it for the weather--it is perfect and pleasant for the most part. I also like how it smells and the colors of the foliage. Fall is my favorite time of year.
Kelley: Ah, another fan of autumn! :)
Sure you don't want my snow? Frankly, I'm just not in the mood for it yet.
Alice: No thanks. I've seen how much snow some of you western states got over the weekend, and the very thought of it terrifies me. I am sooo not ready for snow yet!
It's all on the hills. The trees are just starting to turn green, though I lost most of my garden already.
I don't care where it is, I don't want to see snow for at least another month.
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