Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Thursday Thirteen 304: Movie/TV meme

I'm borrowing from Sunday Stealing again. As there are only fifteen questions to this one, consider the extra two a bonus!

1. Name your favorite movie actor: Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman. . .

2. Name your favorite movie actress: I honesty don’t think I have one these days. I used to love Meg Ryan, but she has retired from the film industry.

3. Name your favorite TV actor: Mark Harmon (NCIS), Shemar Moore (Criminal Minds) . . .

4. Name your favorite TV actress: Don't really have one right now. A year ago I might have said Cote de Pablo, but — alas! — she has exited my favorite show.

5. Name your favorite television show right now: NCIS, though that could change, depending on how well the show does since the exit of one of its strongest leads.

6. Name a few really cool movies you’ve recently seen: I have only seen three movies in the theater so far this year: 42, Iron Man 3, and The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.

7. Your favorite canceled television show: This is a tough one. I really liked Sports Talk, Jericho and Alcatraz, which ended far too soon. Then there are favorite shows that have ended, such as Medium and Ghost Whisperer.

8. Name one movie you wish you hadn’t wasted time/money on recently: I honestly can’t think of one I’ve seen the last couple years that I really wished I had skipped and watched on DVD. I’m more discerning than in my younger years, and not afraid to tell friends a certain movie isn’t for me.

9. You would never watch a movie with: My younger sister, if I can help it. Seriously, she spends the entire movie asking you what’s going to happen, even though you yourself have never seen it.

10. Favorite candy/food to watch movies with: Dark chocolate Raisinettes or popcorn.

11. Three favorite TV channels: In order of the number of shows watched on each: CBS, ABC, NBC

12. Favorite reality or competition show: I abhor reality TV and never watch it (with the exception of the season Donald Driver was on Dancing With the Stars, and I would have stopped watching had he been voted off.)

13. Cable or satellite? I have neither, so only get the fourteen local channels (2-CBS, 3-NBC, 3-PBS, 3-ABC, 2-FOX, 1-CW). But hey—back when we were kids, we only would have gotten four channels without cable, so look how far we've come, LOL.

4. Do you watch more movies at home or at the theater? These days, at home. I rarely get to the cinema, and it’s much cheaper to watch them on DVD or wait for something to come on TV — plus, with DVD you can pause for a break and not miss any of the action.

15. Is there a time of year that you watch more TV? Winter, when all the regular TV series and football are back. That's also when I get a look of craft projects done, as I can't just sit and veg in front of the TV.

LINKING TO: Thursday Thirteen


Shelley Munro said...

I don't think I could name my favorite actresses/actors and shows. I watch lots of different ones. Most of my favorite ones are British in origin.

Colleen@Looseleafnotes said...

I'm still made that "Awake" got cancelled on NBC. I stopped liking Meg Ryan when she got plastic surgery (before she even had wrinkles!) and ruined her face.

CountryDew said...

I liked Ghost Whisperer until it got really weird with her husband dying and inhabiting someone else's body and all of that. It was just too strange.

Unknown said...

fun list going to do it

Kimberly Menozzi said...

I'm with you regarding reality/competition shows. I can't stand any of them! I'm always glad to find someone who feels the same way I do. LOL!

Heather said...

Shelley: I watch several different shows, too, but I would definitely say NCIS is my favorite of all of them. Most of the shows I watch these days are on CBS, with one show each on ABC, NBC and FOX.

The only Brit programs I get are on PBS, usually on Sat and Sun, so I don't usually watch any of them.

Heather said...

Colleen: I didn't watch Awake but know a few people who liked that one as much as you did.

Heather said...

Anita: Yes, that was a really strange plot twist. I didn't like her son much, either. I remember people being really mad when they killed off Andrea and brought in Delia (I liked her son more than I did her, lol), and I liked Prof. Payne more than Eli.

Heather said...

Thanks, Unknown, and thanks for visiting.

Heather said...

Kimberly: Yes! Some of us have not been overtaken by brain-cell-robbing "reality" programming! ☺

Alice Audrey said...

My answer to #13 would be neither. Seriously, I couldn't even begin to answer most of these.

Paige Tyler said...

That's too funny about your sister! LOL! Fun TT!


My TT is at

Heather said...

Alice: I honestly don't miss cable - most of the time. It does kind of tick me off when football games are only on cable, and I can't watch Badger hockey at all in real time (though PBS replays games the day after). When I did have cable, I only watched a handful of channels regularly, such as USA, ABCFAM, TNT, TCM, Weather Channel, and ESPN.

Heather said...

Paige:'ve never tried watching The Shawshank Redemption with her. Like I was going to answer her annoying questions and ruin the surprise ending for her! *Shakes head*

Anonymous said...

Love your answers, Heather. We have a lot in common. I LOVE Mark Harmon. I have never understood why he hasn't won any awards for NCIS. It's one of the best shows on TV. Happy Thursday!

Heather said...

Stephanie: I know, right? And then there are people who constantly win awards that make you wonder what drugs the people who voted are on. *G*

Alice Audrey said...

If I pay attention to the TV at all, then I tend to sit around and relentlessly surf. Huge waste of time.

Heather said...

Ah, see I'm not a surfer. Drives me nuts when someone can't settle on a channel. If I don't see anything of interest on, I'll either turn it off, or tune it to the local weather channel for background noise.

Alice Audrey said...

I've been known to watch three channels at the same time - flipping back and forth between the three. I find most shows too predictable to simply sit through.

Heather said...

Now see, that would drive me nuts. I'd have to wrestle the remote away from you to keep it on just one channel, lol.