Thursday, June 02, 2016

Skywatch Friday 150

Red-Tailed Hawk sighting at the Arboretum . . .

LINKING TO: Skywatch Friday


Lea said...

Have a great week-end!

Heather said...

Thanks, Lea -- you too! :)

Mia Celeste said...

I like hawks. You're lucky to have seen it. Thanks for the great pictures.

Heather said...

Thanks, Mia -- We actually see a lot of them in our area, but this one was actually within camera range. :)

Alice Audrey said...

Wow, he sat still for you for a long time!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

They are such beautiful birds. This one looks particularly large and majestic!

Heather said...

Alice: Yes, he did. I think it was actually his call that alerted me to his presence. I was walking along the bike path towards the main entrance to Grady when I heard something behind me. I turned round and looked up, and there he was. He (or she) was still sitting there watching the world go by when I finally moved on. Were it not for the fact he was so high up, and it hurt my neck to watch him, I might have lingered a bit longer.

Heather said...

Spare Parts: They are indeed. I never tire of seeing them in my neighborhood, and it's especially fun when they are sitting low enough to watch or photograph.

Alice Audrey said...

You were out-waited by a bird. That's a rarity.

Heather said...

Alice: Yup! :-D