Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wordless Wednesday 263: A Peaceful Walk

Grady Tract, UW Arboretum, April 23


Wordless Wednesday


Beth @ PlantPostings said...

A beautiful hiking location, indeed. Did you see any wildflowers?

Heather said...

Hi Beth! There were only violets along the Grady Tract trails, which I passed through briefly en route to the disgusting tunnel to the other side, where I went on a guided wildflower walk. We saw TONS of wildflowers in Gallistel Woods: Rue Anemone, False Rue Anemone, Toothwort, trout lily (white and yel), red trillium, bluebells, Dutchman's Breeches, Merrybells, Jacob's Ladder (last two were on the north side of Visitor Center, along the building, in the native plant gardens).

I also wandered through Longgnecker, where magnolias were in full glory and lilacs adn crabapple starting to bloom. Also saw azalea, rhododendron, quince, Russian almond, forsythia, service berry and more.