I admit it: I'm spoiled when it comes to local bookstores. My friends are always telling me as much, and I cannot deny it. Between national chains, indies and used bookstores, we have more than twenty choices within city limits. Here are thirteen of the many bookstores found in Madison (links provided where possible).
1. Booked For Murder ~ An indie shop catering to lovers of mystery, thrillers and suspense.
EDITED July 2013: Booked For Murder has closed, but a new indy store, Mystery to Me has purchased their inventory and opened on Monroe Street.
2. A Room of One's Own ~ Feminist bookstore on West Johnson, just off State St. I have atteneded a few interesting talks here, particularly during the Wisconsin Book Festival.
3. Shakti ~ Located on State St, it's a good source for spiritual books and music, jewelry, tarot readings, and yoga supplies. I've only been there once and had to leave after five minutes as just walking past it triggerers my allergies (they're very heavy on the incense).
4. Avol's ~ Another indie bookstore, just off State St. From their website: "Avol's is a general used, rare and out-of-print bookstore specializing in academic and scholarly books."
5. Shakespeare's Books ~ Formerly found on Carroll Street on the Capitol Square, but now on State St. Used, rare and out of print books. I think I've been there only once as they're usually closed when I'm downtown.
6. Barnes & Noble ~ East and west locations.
7. Borders ~ On University Avenue and on the east side. (ETA: Both Borders locations have closed.)
8. Waldenbooks ~ There used to be two locations, but now only one on west side of town, at West Towne Mall. (ETA: Waldenbooks has closed.)
9. Half Price Books ~ Two locations in Madison, one of which is conveniently located next to my bank/grocery store -- which I admit is not always a good thing, LOL.
10. Frugal Muse ~ Another used bookstore, two locations in Madison.
11. University Bookstore ~ Main locations on the UW campus (bottom of State St) and Hilldale Mall, but there are also three specialty sites, like The Digital Outpost.
12. Bookstore at the End of the Universe ~ Edge of UW campus on Monroe St, and one I had not heard of before.
13. Mimosa Books ~ Metaphysical Bookstore on West Gilman in downtown Madison, just off State St.
These are only a sampling of the bookstores in and around the Madison area, and do not include those inside museums or other sites around the city. As I said at the beginning, I am spoiled! *grin*
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
C.C. / Tempest Knight * Gina Ardito * Jennifer Shirk
Paige Tyler * Debbie Mumford * Jennifer McKenzie
Missy Lyons * Kaige * Gwen Hayes * AJ Chase
Jennifer Bianco * Shelley Munro * Gwen Mitchell
Alice Audrey * Darla * Adelle Laudan * PussReboots
Gina Avalos
(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
1. Booked For Murder ~ An indie shop catering to lovers of mystery, thrillers and suspense.
EDITED July 2013: Booked For Murder has closed, but a new indy store, Mystery to Me has purchased their inventory and opened on Monroe Street.
2. A Room of One's Own ~ Feminist bookstore on West Johnson, just off State St. I have atteneded a few interesting talks here, particularly during the Wisconsin Book Festival.
3. Shakti ~ Located on State St, it's a good source for spiritual books and music, jewelry, tarot readings, and yoga supplies. I've only been there once and had to leave after five minutes as just walking past it triggerers my allergies (they're very heavy on the incense).
4. Avol's ~ Another indie bookstore, just off State St. From their website: "Avol's is a general used, rare and out-of-print bookstore specializing in academic and scholarly books."
5. Shakespeare's Books ~ Formerly found on Carroll Street on the Capitol Square, but now on State St. Used, rare and out of print books. I think I've been there only once as they're usually closed when I'm downtown.
6. Barnes & Noble ~ East and west locations.
7. Borders ~ On University Avenue and on the east side. (ETA: Both Borders locations have closed.)
8. Waldenbooks ~ There used to be two locations, but now only one on west side of town, at West Towne Mall. (ETA: Waldenbooks has closed.)
9. Half Price Books ~ Two locations in Madison, one of which is conveniently located next to my bank/grocery store -- which I admit is not always a good thing, LOL.
10. Frugal Muse ~ Another used bookstore, two locations in Madison.
11. University Bookstore ~ Main locations on the UW campus (bottom of State St) and Hilldale Mall, but there are also three specialty sites, like The Digital Outpost.
12. Bookstore at the End of the Universe ~ Edge of UW campus on Monroe St, and one I had not heard of before.
13. Mimosa Books ~ Metaphysical Bookstore on West Gilman in downtown Madison, just off State St.
These are only a sampling of the bookstores in and around the Madison area, and do not include those inside museums or other sites around the city. As I said at the beginning, I am spoiled! *grin*
Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
C.C. / Tempest Knight * Gina Ardito * Jennifer Shirk
Paige Tyler * Debbie Mumford * Jennifer McKenzie
Missy Lyons * Kaige * Gwen Hayes * AJ Chase
Jennifer Bianco * Shelley Munro * Gwen Mitchell
Alice Audrey * Darla * Adelle Laudan * PussReboots
Gina Avalos
(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
I've order from Mimosa! Dang! Small world! Great TT, Heather!
Mine is up over at the MMC.
CC~ Wow! Small world indeed!
Wow. I'm impressed--and JEALOUS! LOL!
That's a crazy amount lol I have to drive an hour min, to get to a bookstore. Thank God for Amazon. Happy T13!
Wow! Sounds wonderful. There were lots of bookstores when we lived in Ann Arbor, but San Antonio, despite being much larger, had far fewer. And here in Germany, well... I mostly buy books online.
You definitely are spoiled! All the independent bookstores in our entire county are gone. There's one called "Consider The Alternatives" (a metaphysical bookstore) and about four used bookstores. Borders is not the only new book bookstore in the county that has fiction.
Sad, huh?
Yet, we have the highest population of artists per capita of any other California county.
Oh! I love bookstores! The big chains are fabulous, but small indies are my faves...
I'm listing Fantasy Trivia this week:
The specialty bookstores sound great. I would visit them if they were closer. I am addicted to bookstores..Books are my weakness.
OMG, you're in Madison? You are! I recognize these store. Except Frugal books. They must have opened after I moved away. Is there still a store specializing in Romances. Seems to me it was on Johnson a few blocks from the capital.
Hey, can I ask you for research help for my Suzie's House blogs? I'm always afraid I'll talk about something that has changed.
We have no chain stores here.
There are a couple indies, but they are so expensive and they don't really have much by the way of romance.
Which is why I love ebooks.
Wow, that's a lot of bookstores!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Yay for bookstores. I frequent our local Half Price Books. Happy TT.
Wow, I'd be either spoiled or broke!
Happy TT: http://impulsivehearts.wordpress.com/
Oh, you are lucky! I have a Borders and am eagerly awaiting the new Barnes and Noble opening up in our local mall. That's it. Thank God for the library. I'm soooo jealous!
Not sure if you know something I don't, but the Eastside Borders in very much open. Was there last night redeeming 40% off coupons. ;)
So many bookstores... how lucky you are... *g*
Wow, you are so lucky! But on the other hand, I guess my wallet is healthier not living near bookshops.
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