Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Thursday Thirteen 152: Trees in Bloom

For all those who are just entering Fall (waves to friends in the southern hemisphere), or for whom Winter is refusing to get out (Sorry Alice!) and let Spring in — a few pictures of flowering trees, photographed on various walks. Except the crabapple. Many of those were taken from the comfort of home. (grin)

(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)

Alice Audrey * Adelle Laudan * Ms Menozzi * Hootin' Anni
Darla M Sands * Harriet * Paige Tyler
Elise Logan * Inez Kelley * Tatiana Cladwell

More Thursday Thirteen participants


Alice Audrey said...

Oh sure. Make me suffer.

Kimberly Menozzi said...

Pretty, but I'm still not enjoying Spring. At all. ...sigh... I need air-conditioned clothing. LOL!

Hootin Anni said...

Mmmm, mmmm, mmm!!! So so beautiful. And fragrant.

My thirteen is photos of historical homes in town. Come by to view if you'd like. I'd love your company today. My Tour

Unknown said...

Lovely photos. I was out with my bff yesterday and we noticed all the trees in bloom. I love this time of year when nature is awakening.
Happy T13!

Darla M Sands said...

Beautiful! Ironically, the crabapple is the only one I could have taken from home among these. My amorphofallus titanum (corpse flower) is ready to bloom, though! :) I don't know how I got lucky on that exotic plant in my zone five part of the world.

Heather said...

Alice: I had a feeling you would feel I was teasing you. LOL

Kimberly: I take it temperatures in Germany are much warmer than they are here?

Anni: Thankfully, the more fragrant trees are not close to my home. The crabapple does not seem to bother my allergies as much as the magnolia does. Or the lilacs, which are not yet in bloom.

Adelle: Little by little, spring is muscling her way in. I just wish she'd be a bit more aggressive about it. Cold temps and no heat are NOT a good mix.

Darla; You have a corpse flower?! Aren't those a bit...stinky...when they bloom? They have some here at both the University and Olbrich Gardens.

I am Harriet said...

Wonderful photos!

Have a great day!

Paige Tyler said...

Beautiful pics!


My TT is at

Elise Logan said...

Pretty. We have two crabapples in front of our house, a star magnolia in the back. We used to have a peach, but it went down in Hurricane Isabel.

I love flowering trees. Even if it means I have to do the yearly battle with the evil tent caterpillars.

Tatiana Caldwell said...

So beautiful. I love the sight and smell of flowering trees in the spring.

Heather said...

Harriet: Thank you!

Paige: Thanks, glad you enjoyed!

Elise: I like the crabapple - which the roofers nearly killed a few years ago, when they broke a huge upper section of the tree - but it's a love/hate relationship. I love the shade it provides in summer to my eastern-facing window, but hate that it almost completely blocks my view of anything else.

Tatiana: I confess - I love the sight more than the smell. Allergy season can be a real bitch, lol!

Ingrid said...

Wonderful ! I purr ! spring is my favourite season !

Heather said...

Gattina: LOL - glad you enjoyed your visit with me today! :)

Jennifer Leeland said...

Oh these are gorgeous, Heather!!! I love cherry blossoms. They always mean "Spring" to me.

Kristen said...

What beautiful pictures of spring!

A. Catherine Noon said...

Wow! What lovely photos! Thank you for sharing!

Inez Kelley said...

I have tulips popping up all over the place.

Divaa Divine said...

you make me feel a little better than what i felt since morn

Ticke me off Instantly

Heather said...

Jennifer: I don't think I've ever seen cherry blossoms in bloom, but the apple trees at Epelgaarden's are a spectacular sight this time of year.

Kristen: Thank you! :)

Noony: Thank you, and thanks for stopping by to see them!

Inez: We finally have tulips blooming here, too - except in front of my building, of course, 'cause stupid dog owners won't keep their beasts out of the flower beds.

DD: So glad I could make your day a little brighter!

Kimberly Menozzi said...

"Kimberly: I take it temperatures in Germany are much warmer than they are here?"

LOL! I think you've confused me with Riley! :)

I'm in Italy, and yeah, it's pretty warm already - in a come-and-go sort of way.

The problem is that I'm really sensitive to sun and heat - I have an allergy which starts breaking out in Spring and stays until we're well into Autumn - and living without air conditioning is kinda painful! :-(

Add in some Hay-fever-type allergies too, and... Ugh.

LOL! It's an adventure, though!

Thanks for dropping by my blog, btw - next week will be a change of pace, I promise! ;-)

Heather said...

Kimberly: Oops...I knew that. No idea why I said Germany. I wasn't looking at Riley's blog at the time either. Ugh! on the heat/sun allergy. I start to burn after about 5 seconds in the sun, but your problem definitely trumps mine!

kayerj said...

that's how I feel--everything just popped this week. Hooray for spring!