Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Teaser Tuesday 32: Pride and Prejudice

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

* Grab your current read.
* Share a few “teaser” sentences from somewhere in the book.
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away. You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title and author so that other participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser!

Yes, after (xx) number of years in my TBR pile, I have finally got round to reading Pride and Prejudice. And, of course, I am now wondering why I did not read it sooner. Sigh...LOVED IT! What follows is a bit of dialogue between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy from early in the book. I confess, what finally prompted me to read it, where multiple movie viewings had not, is the British series currently showing on PBS, Lost in Austen. Absolutely loving it! So far they have aired two of the four episodes.

"There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil, a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome."

"And your defect is a propensity to hate everybody."

"And yours," he replied with a smile, "is wilfully to misunderstand them."

(pg 40)


Harvee44 said...

Love that quote and the conversation! Here's my teaser.

Deb said...

One of my favorite books. I have all of her books by the way. Great teaser.

Mine is from The Lady and The Poet.


Heather said...

Book Dil: Thank you, it's one of my favorite passages!

Deb: While I do not possess all of her books, I have now read all but one Austen (S&S - I'm working on it!). There is only one I did not like but, as that was some years ago and in HS, I have been thinking I should probably give it another try some time and see if it makes a better impression. *g*

Alice Audrey said...

Great quote. She really does misunderstand him horribly. I trust saying as much will hardly ruin the book for you if you've seen the movies.

Heather said...

Alice: Yes, she does. Seeing movie versions before reading it did not ruin the book for me. It was actually interesting reading the "uncondensed" scenes.

pussreboots said...

I have read many thing adapted from the original but have never managed to finish a single Jane Austen book. My teaser is here.

Heather said...

Sarah: I know Austen isn't for everyone, but it's definitely my sort of writing. The only Austen I have not finished was Emma, which I simply could not get into. But, that was back in HS, which is why I've been wondering if I shouldn't give it another try. While that did not work for Wuthering Heights, it did for Huck Finn, so...who knows? Maybe some day, lol.

The Westie Loving Therapist said...

As I read your post I was trying to remember how long it has been since I read P & P. Its been around 15 years, I guess!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Marg said...

One of these days I will read Austen myself!

My teaser if here

Beth said...

Great teaser!! I really enjoyed Pride and Prejudice. Here is my teaser for this week.

Heather said...

Simul-posting! Look who posted while I was reading their blogs! *vbg*

WLT: Wow, fifteen years... I can assure you it won't be that long before I reread the book!

Marg: Take your time - I certainly have! LOL Seriously - you don't want to know how many years it has taken me to get through five of them. Now to work in Sense and Sensibility! It's on my to-read list for this year...

Beth: It's nice having good books in common with others, isn't it? *g*

Marg said...

I have never read any of them! I don't quite know how I made it through school without reading any of them, but I did.

Lynn Gardner said...

I read your teaser and now I have a terrible desire to go back and re-read Pride & Prejudice-- as if I didn't have enough to read!

My teaser is from a Georgette Heyer novel. You might enjoy some of her Regency romances (like Arabella or The Bath Tangle) as she's definitely channeling Austen.

Jan von Harz said...

While I will always watch the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, I have never read it. Something I do need to fix some day Enjoy!

Amy said...

Pride & Prejudice is one of my favorite books. I just got her complete works and can't wait to start reading. Great teaser.

Beth F said...

Your teaser made me smile -- I know the book well, so I can envision the scene.p

Michelle said...

I have this book, and even pick it up, occasionally.
But, I've never fully read it.
Sounds interesting.

My `Teaser` is up

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I really want to reread this at some point...I do recall loving it!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Alayne said...

Ahh great teaser!!! I have two more teasers this week at The Crowded Leaf.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yes. I love this book. Glad you enjoyed it too. My teaser this week comes from The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood. Here's the link.

Candace said...

I'm sad to confess, I have yet to read this one :( Liked the movie though!

Anonymous said...

i still haven't read that one its still on my to read list....

Here is my teaser:


Heather said...

Marg: That is unusual, not to have rea at least one. Or at least maybe it was when most of us were in HS - I don't think many encounter her at the HS level now as they used to.

Lynn: LOL - I hear your distress at never having enough time to read all you want to read. As for Heyer...I actually came across one of hers at a used book sale a few weeks ago, Death in the Stocks - a $13 book I got for $2. I've never read her though I am constantly seeing her mentioned, so have been watching for her works in cheap but good condition.

Jan: Oh, do read it sooner than later! It is a "need" I now wish I had addressed years ago. *g*

Heather said...

Amy: The complete works...sounds wonderful!

Beth F: Happy to brighten your day with a smile! :)

Michelle: Wow, I cannot imagine owning for so long and only skimming sections here and there instead of reading it, at least once, all the way through. Methinks you should remedy this immediately! *wink*

Laurel-Rain: I certainly will reread it again, perhaps even within the next year. At the very least I can see myself skimming various scenes.

Heather said...

Alayne: Thank you! *g*

Lit Witch: Thank you. I enjoyed your book as well, though it has been some years since I read it.

Candace: It is a worthwhile read, if you like the classics and enjoy a good romance.

Chrissy: Time to cross it off your TBR list - you'll enjoy it, I promise! ;)

Book Sake said...

The only Austen book I've read and it was wonderful!

My teaser is from Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side at BookSake.

Faye said...

My best friend says she'd rather be waterboarded than read Austen--not me! Love, love, love all things Austen--books, movies, BBC series. Not fan fiction though--left feeling huffy as in saying to the authors "Get your own characters and leave Jane's alone!"

My TT is from Brooklyn by Irish writer Colm Toibin. The link: Summit Musings .

Jana said...

I was supposed to read this in 10th grade but got three chapters in and watched the movie instead. lol I know, terrible. But the language kept tripping me up and back then I didn't have a whole lot of patience. I may hafta give it another shot now that I'm older. But no promises. ;-)

Kathy Martin said...

This does sound good! I have never read it because the old-fashioned language has always seemed like too much work for me. Happy reading!

Lisa-Marie Jordan said...

I didn't know Lost in Austen was playing in the States! I've gotta get on that!

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

I have not read this book either! Your teaser was terrific. I have this on my ereader and need to make the time for it.

Cecelia said...

Love that quote! And I do think it is true that everyone has a particular leaning towards some vice. Hope you're enjoying this read (after so long!) Great teaser!

If you'd like, you can check out mine here.

Phyl said...

Isn't "Lost in Austen" just the greatest?? I loved it madly! I would rank it right up there with my favourite Pride & Prejudice series.

Great teaser!

My own teaser, meanwhile, is at Bookishgal.

kayerj said...

love this book :)

Violet said...

Fantastic teaser! Love, love, LOVE Pride and Prejudice! It is hard to top Mr. Darcy & Elizabeth Bennet. Happy reading! :)