Monday, December 26, 2005

On, Comet! On, Cupid! On -- Squeaky??

What cats would look like with antlers. Isn't she cute? Too bad the lights don't light up! Hehe....


Maggie Nash said... cute...! And she put up with it too...or is this why she is mad at you?

Heather said...


She's always mad at me for some imagined slight or other. Currently it's because we abandoned her for Christmas with the Bug, and then I was gone most of yesterday, and then I left her to earn money for cat food today. Cats!

Anonymous said...

LOL I can't believe that you did that to poor Squeaky! She's such a good sport about it, too.

Heather said...

Hehe...I consider it payback for what she does to my floor. *wg*