Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Golden Sea

This is for all those who, like me, have been plagued with never-ending rain, which we've had every day for the past week -- more some days than others -- and more of the same predicted for the coming week. While the grass is a lovely emerald green, a pervasive dampness has settled beneath the oppressive blanket of grey overhead. And it isn't only rain, as there was snow mixed in twice last week and frost warnings issued for a couple of nights. Nothing but gloomy, depressing weather in this fair state....


Jana said...

How gorgeous. And yeah, we've had some rainy days lately. Or rainy mornings that turn into gorgeous afternoons. Which bites because by the time everything dries out it's too late to do thanks for the bright and happy picture. ;-)

Heather said...

Thanks, Jana! We actually saw the sun this morning, but clouds are rolling in again. Will it never end? At least we haven't had the flooding New England states have seen...yet.