So, yeah...was up far later than intended. On the bright side, the bookcases behind my desk are dusted and one email inbox completely cleared out. As if getting to bed later than intended wasn't bad enough, I woke up around 4am and had difficulty falling into a deep sleep between 4 and 7. Naturally about the time I finally fell into that deep sleep the alarm was going off. So yeah...really tired and a bit grumpy today. Luckily for certain individuals they are staying out of my way.
Posting more samples of my "Easter Fluffles" cards -- details in previous post. On a related note, I had an interesting email this evening. Someone from SCS was browsing the gallery and happened to see cards I did for the troops last fall, and wanted to know if I would be interested in contributing to her cause. I wish I could say "yes," but I just sent 40 some Easter cards to Sue to send to the troops and need to concentrate on birthday and Easter cards for personal use before doing more to give away. I hate to sound selfish, but one cannot ignore one's personal relationships in the course of doing unto others. Right? If I have time and am able to do 20 or so for her, I will certainly do so, but honestly can't commit right now. *sigh*

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