In honor of the World Dairy Expo being in town this week, I present thirteen Wisconsin cheeses, with my apologies to the lactose intolerant. *grin*

Seeley Deborn * Elle Fredrix * Tempest Knight * Savannah Chase * Morgan St. John * Jane Jones * Georgia Woods * Shelley Munro * Jennifer McK * Darla * Emma Peterson * Sara Thacker * Jennifer Shirk * Debbie Mumford * Rhonda Stapleton * Paige Tyler * Amelia June * Kaige * Moondancer Drake * Jana * Gina Ardito * DD Mills * Ember Case * Tara Nichols * Alice Audrey * Xakara * Lis
(leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)
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i'm just not a cheese person! Love cheddar.
I love most of those!! And cheese curd - can't get it down here in the Southwest, at least not that I've ever seen, and haven't had it for years!! Love it, though...
I LOVE cheese...I do agree with the two 'yucks' however ;)
Now I'm hungry, but I really have to go to sleep. Great list!
I love smoked Cheddar!!! It's my favorite.
Chocolate Cheese Fudge? I'm really curious now.
Oh btw "Cheeeeeeeese". LOL.
I love blue cheese, but that cheese fudge looks disturbing. :)
Cruel. Just cruel. Cheese is such a huge tempation for me. (Well, some of them. Others are just beyond gross.)
Every once and a while I'll look at the fat content on the lable and say, ok, no more cheese. That never lasts more than a few weeks.
I LOVE Bleu Cheese but you lost me at the Chocolate fudge cheese. Ewwe.
Yum, cheese.
I love love love cheese--including blue cheese!
There used to be a place I'd eat breakfast at(I forget the name) that had the best asiago cheese bagels. Mmmm.
Mmmmm ... Smoked Cheddar ... yum!
Oh my God, I love me some brie and blue cheese...I LOVE CHEESE!!!
ewwww smelly i love some of them not all....some just are bad smelling...ewwww
Awww... I can see some of these cheese in my pizza. Hmm... Now I'm hungry!
Yuck on the Limburger, too! And yay on the Monterey Jack! Haven't tried the chocolate cheese fudge, but it sounds yummy!
My TT is at
Uh, cheese fudge? Where can I get me some of that?! It's like the PMS cure all!
Happy TT :)
Awww, now I'm hungry, Heather! I'm thinking Gouda, crackers and summer sausage for lunch. I like bleu cheese, but I can't eat a lot of it because of mold allergies. I've heard of the Velveeta chocolate fudge, but never have been brave enough to try it.
Mmmmm cheese and I can claim it in glory 'cause I live in Wisconsin!
Count me in as a cheese lover. Delicious TT, Trixie. ;)
Yeah, give me cheddar but my husband is converting me with Brie and crackers. you on the other hand are hard core cheese! I'm impressed with your cheese wisdom.
and might I add, chocolate cheese? bleah.
As a Wisconsinite I can really appreciate the list even if I can't have half the things on it. :)
I've had all of them except the Fennuusto. I love cheese.
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