The 2009 Scripps National Spelling Bee got under way Wednesday in Washington DC. Here are a few fun words to test or add to your vocabulary.
1. bombinate \BOM-buh-nayt\ intransitive verb: To buzz; to hum; to drone.
2. senescent \si-NES-uhnt\ adjective: Growing old; aging.
3. pseudandry \su-DAN-dree\ noun: The use of a male name as a pseudonym by a woman. (The opposite is pseudogyny where a man takes a woman's name as a pseudonym.)
4. lugubrious \lu-GOO-bree-us; -GYOO-\ adjective: Mournful, dismal, or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner.
5. oneiric \oh-NYE-rik\ adjective: of or relating to dreams: dreamy
6. epistemic \ep-uh-STEE-mik\ adjective: of or relating to knowledge or knowing: cognitive
7. nescience \NESH-uhn(t)s; NESH-ee-uhn(t)s\ noun: Lack of knowledge or awareness; ignorance.
8. exorable \EK-suhr-uh-buhl\ adjective: Capable of being persuaded or moved.
9. gainly \GAYN-lee\ adjective: Graceful; dexterous.
10. chirography \kye-RAH-gruh-fee\ noun: handwriting, penmanship; Calligraphy
11. munificent \myoo-NIF-i-suhnt\ adjective: Very liberal in giving or bestowing; very generous; lavish.
12. outré \oo-TRAY\ adjective: Unconventional; eccentric; bizarre.
13. lickerish \LIK-uh-rish\ adjective: greedy, desirous; lecherous
You can watch the semifinals Thursday morning on ESPN (10 ET/9 CT) and the finals Thursday evening on ABC (8 ET/7 CT).
(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Janice Seagraves * Ella Drake * Elise Logan * Mary Quast
Adelle Laudan * Alice Audrey * Stephanie Adkins * Lanie Fuller
Hazel * Shelley Munro * Ms Menozzi * Carleen
Jennifer McKenzie * RJ LeBeau * Jamie Babette * Paige Tyler
Debra Kayn * Storyteller
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others’ comments. It’s easy, and fun! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things.
Awesome. I just love new-to-me words! Happy T13!
Adelle - Me too! Happy T13!
Most of these were new. A few were "Oh, yeah" words. Great list.
(felt like I was studying for the SAT)
Ella - LOL at studying for the SAT. Thank heavens that's far behind us, huh?
I think I might have recognized maybe two words.
Happy TT.
I've actually use Lugubrious in conversation. Not that I could spell it, mind you.
Yeah. I think I knew two of those, too, and could maybe pronounce three on my own, LOL.
Nice list!
Great list. I love finding what to me are new words. Thanks for putting the pronunciation guide too.
pseudandry - Acton Bell shot thru my mind :) I visited her grave in Scarborough. Happy TT
(my link: http://delineatingdes.blogspot.com/2009/05/header-by-samulli-while-looking-for.html)
I'm glad I don't have to spell these words. Thank goodness for spellcheck and dictionaries, I say.
Ah, taking me back to my spelling bee glory days... LOL! Great list of words to trot out when my students start getting cocky. ;)
Happy TT!
Impressive list! I was only familiar with 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 13. Ack -- where's my dictionary?!
Okay, I've never heard of any of these. LOL!! Great list. Happy Thursday! *Hugs*
Oooo fantastic! Mostly words I didn't know. I knew lugubrious, exorable and gainly. Otherwise, clueless. Great list!
Janice - Hey, two is something, right? *g*
Alice - I believe I have used that one in writing or conversation before as well. :)
Lanie - Wow, I didn't think the pronunciations were that hard. Three is good, though!
Hazel - You're welcome (for pronunciations)! George Eliot was actually the first name that came to my mind for pseudandry, but the "Bells" are certainly right up there.
Shelley - LOL... Dictionaries and spell check can certainly be godsends!
Ms Menozzi - You were a bee participant? How cool!
Carleen - I'm impresssed! :)
Stephanie - Not even one? Say it isn't so!
Jennifer - Thank you... Always happy to tax your brain. *VBG*
Fun T-13 ... and educational too!
Hugs and blessings,
Thanks, Storyteller!
So cool! Now if I could remember to use those words in my books! LOL!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Fun list. I love words. Pseudandry was the only new one to me.
Happy T13
I knew all but three of those - and use many of them semi-regularly. But, you did manage to give me a few I didn't know, so THANK YOU!
Great list. I should take the time and learn words like these. I knew one. :-)
Paige - Remembering to use them is the trick, isn't it? Happy T13! *g*
Jamie - You obviously rock!
Elise - You are most welcome!
RJ - Thanks, and um...you don't expect me to argue with you, do you? At least try to learn half! ;)
Ooh I watched some of the spelling bee it looked so hard!
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