* Grab your current read
* Open to a random page
* Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

The book opens with a shooting at a K-8 school in a small town. Officer Lorraine Connor and her volunteer police officer partner are among the first to arrive on scene, neither of them experienced in this type of criminal event.
"There are just three things to remember at a crime scene: Don't touch a thing. Don't touch a damn thing. Don't touch a goddamn thing. Okay?"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And because I like the sarcasm a little further on, same scene:She crossed to the main control panel, and a second later the fire alarms abruptly broke off.
Chuckie blinked sharply. The silense was stunning after the noise. Stunning, and eerie.
"That--that's better, " Chuckie said after a moment, working on sounding confident when his face had turned the color of parchment.
"Major learning from Colombine," Rainie muttered. "The fire alarms obscured all sound. Made it impossible for the SWAT team to pinpoint where the shooters were in the building."
"You've been trained in school shootings?" Chuckie asked hopefully.
"No. I read Time magazine." Rainie jerked her head. "Come on. Keep your head on straight. Use your ears. You'll be okay."
You shared much more than 2 sentences, hehe. ;)
Sounds like a good book! I haven't heard of this book/author before so it's work checking out, now. :)
Well-Read Reviews
I know, but I liked the dialogue in this scene, and you kind of needed the entire exchange for it to make sense. Thank's for visiting!
That is a great teaser. I have a couple of her books in my tbr read pile, I may have to read one sooner.
Great tease. I have not read one of her books in awhile, I think it is time. My tease is here: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/09/puzzle-king-teaser-tuesdays.html
Ann Marie - Thanks! I've only recently discovered Lisa Gardner, but realized quickly that, as some books contain related characters, it helps to read her backlist in order.
Jennifer - Gardner seems a prolific author. I still have several of hers to read! Thanks for visiting!
I don't think I could bear it if children have been hurt. But your teaser is definitely appealing.
I like the teaser, especially the first few sentences.
I would remember those instructions for sure!! Great teaser!
Nan - Always hard when children are hurt, but it was a very good read.
Lola - Thanks, those were my favorite lines of the entire book.
Staci - Definitely something I'll remember, should I ever stumble upon a crime scene. ;)
I take it these are not the heroes.
Alice - Actually, the female officer is one of the main characters, along with FBI agent Pierce Quincey. They are also in the book I am now reading, THE NEXT ACCIDENT.
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