2. WCMD is a holiday that allows card makers around the world to celebrate the personable and creative aspects of hand-crafted cards, and kicks off the holiday card-making season.
3. People use this day to host get-togethers with friends and family to create cards together, or can attend events and sales sponsored by local craft shops around the world.
4. The origin of exchanged cards dates back to ancient Chinese culture.
5. Card making has become a worldwide hobby, but is especially popular in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.
6. Top occasions for making cards are: Birthdays, Winter holidays (Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year's), Thank You, Valentine's Day, and Mother's Day.
7. 1 in 6 US households engage in making homemade cards. Cards can range from simple to elaborate designs, and almost any materials can be used: designer paper, stamps, stickers, die-cuts, photos, old postcards or store-bought Christmas cards, etc. You can also buy card-making kits that contain all materials needed except adhesive.
8. Card makers prefer stamps (me!) and rub-ons (not me!) for making their holiday cards. 73% also use their computers in some part of their design (not me).
9. 86% of scrapbookers also make their own cards, as many of the same items can be used in both.
10. Card making get-togethers are a good occasion to hold supply swaps. Have paper, ribbon, or stamps you no longer use? Bring them along to an event and swap with friends. Or, make up gift bags for each attendee using your unused materials.
11. World Card Making Day is a fun time for friends to get together to learn new techniques, or how to use old products in new ways. It can also be a good time to borrow products friends own that you don't.
12. Many groups get together on this day to make cards for charities (hospitals, nursing homes, troops overseas). Scrapbook Superstore in Madison will have a free make-and-take project, and shoppers will also be able to make cards for Oakwood Nursing Home residents. Various church groups will be making Christmas cards to send to troops.
13. If you have never created a handmade greeting card and would like to learn more about it, contact your local craft/scrapbook stores for events being held on World Card Making Day, or other times of the year. Stores like Archivers and Scrapbook Superstore hold workshops for nominal fees throughout the year.
(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Kristen * Adelle Laudan * Stephanie Adkins * Alice Audrey
Elise Logan * Lass * Janice Seagraves * Felicia Holt
Colleen * CM Torrens * Shelley Munro * Ms Menozzi
Hootin' Anni * KandyBlossom * I Beati * Sophia Parkwood
Inez Kelley * Ella Drake * Lidian * Jennifer McKenzie
Paige Tyler * Kaytee * Angeleque Ford * Calico Crazy
Cambria Dillon
Homemade cards always mean so much more because of the time and effort spent in making them.
It's always nice to get a homemade card. Unfortunately, the practice of sending out Christmas cards has diminished quite substantially.
I think me and the girls will try making a few this year. Thanks for the tips. Happy T13!
I agree with Kristen. I love handmade cards. I have several I've kept over the years. Happy Thursday!
I have made a few cards. All 100% computer.
Kristen - I like to think so, or I wouldn't keep making my own. Thanks for visiting! :)
Adelle - I always appreciate the handmade more, and you're right - card sending in general has seen a huge decline since the advent of the internet. Hope you and your girls give making your own a try. There's nothing like crafting together!
Stephanie - I'm sure the givers would be thrilled and honored to know you cherish their creations so. Thanks for stopping by!
Alice - That's cheating! LOL ;)
I'm so not crafty, but Munchkin likes doing this kind of thing, so I've had to. I do enjoy how much love and thought goes into them.
Nice list.
I once took a class in handmade cards from parchment. It was really cool. I wonder if I could smuggle the tools and supplies out of my mom's house. Hmmm...
I have friend who makes her own cards and we've made Christmas cards and invitations together on a few occasions.
She has one of those embossing heat guns and boy, is that cool!
Elise - It's like that in our family. Grandmother: crafty. Mother: Not crafty. Me and sisters: Very crafty. All three of us do cross-stitch, two of us do scrapbooks, and the other makes quilts. Plus I make cards. Lots and lots of cards!
Lass - I think I've crafted with just about everything but parchment. I bet that resulted in a very cool look!
Felicia - Oh, yeah...heat embossing can be fun, but also dangerous for someone as accident prone as moi. I think that's why I haven't used mine in a while. lol
I really like homemade cards. I need to get myself organized and make more of my own.
Unfortunately, I'm one of those folks who doesn't remember holidays, birthdays, etc until the last minute - so I'm forced to get store-bought!
I did do a homemade card for my Father-in-law one year. He got a kick out of it, but I think it was because it looked like a kid made it. LOL!
Happy TT!
Aww, what a great idea. I didn't realize there was an actual day to celebrate such an idea. Thanks for the tips, I might try to do this myself for the holidays.
I've never made cards...but viewing other blogs and the blog owners sharing their expertise...makes me wanna try it!!
My 13 is a mixture of funny and fact this week! I also started my 3rd year of October Halloween Treat hand outs on my blog to all the 'visitors' [trick r treaters] who stop by! Come on over!!!! [You'll need to scroll down a bit below my Thursday Thunks Meme entry to view my 13] Happy day to you....see you at my October Abode!
Fun and informative list. Never tried making my own cards, just might have to give it a try.
Happy TT!
i am so in love with cards I buy them seasns and seasons ahead..sandy
I love handmade cards too. I think I'll go make one for someone I love. Happy Thursday!
The best cards are one with misspelled words and tiny jam-sticky fingerprints.
I love getting homemade cards. We try to always make our own Valentine cards. The kids really enjoy it.
That is so cool, I had no idea there was a World Card Making Day! Now I need my artistic DD to make us some cards for Christmas - maybe starting today! ;)
I used to make cards and have a pretty good stamp collection but then I got lazy and the computer came along. I still admire other's creations though.
I've seen several of your cards, Heather. YOu're very talented.
Great post. I have a friend who makes all her own cards. They're so beautiful!
Shelley - Getting organized can be the hardest part, especially as your supplies increase. LOL
Ms M - Nonsense! I'm sure your FIL enjoyed it because you made it!
Chris - You're welcome, and thank you for checking it out. I hope you give making your own a try!
Anni - You should give it a try some time, it really is a fun, creative pasttime!
Kandy - Thank you. I hope you do give it a try. Buy a kit containing all materials needed if it seems too daunting!
Beati - I used to do that, too. I donated all my store-bought when I started making my own.
Sophia - Aw, I'm sure the one you love will appreciate it. have fun crafting!
Inez - Ones with misspelled words are the sweetest!
Ella - Oh, I bet you and the kids love spending that time together. Happy Thursday!
Lidian - Yes, an entire day! I'm sure your daughter's cards are beautiful. I personally am way behind on my Christmas cards this year. I usually have most of them done by now. Must get cracking!
Colleen - It is easy to become lazy sometimes. Which is part of the reason I am so far behind on holiday cards this year. Back troubles that make sitting in one position too long excruciating is another. Happy T13!
Jennifer - *Blushing* Thank you! *VBG*
Cool idea!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Thanks, Paige!
I only just recently started making cards! I didn't know there was a WCMD!!!! Thanks for sharing! Great list. Mine is here:
Hi Kaytee! Glad to hear from another card-maker. Thanks for checking out my list!
I love home made cards. I have made a few but none recently. Maybe I'll pull out my old card making supplies.
I always enjoy receiving cards and think the homemade ones are best; but I've really gotten out of the habit of making and sending them the last few years. Maybe this will be a good Christmas project for me and the munchkin.
Calico Contemplations
I admit it. I'm one of those lazy, card-buying people because I'm not crafty. The one time I made my husband (then-boyfriend) a Get Well Card, it was met with jeers and laughs rather than oohs and aahs. My feelings weren't hurt because it did look like crap, but it pretty much cemented my stance on me making cards for any occasion ever again. I salute you card-making people because it does take an artistic eye to pull it off nicely. Happy T13!
Angeleque - Yes, past time to blow the dust off your card making supplies! *g*
Calico - Card making is definitely a good project to do with kids. I have stamping friends whose daughters love crafting with the grownups.
Cambria - Ah, come on...it couldn't have been that bad, could it? *VBG* Thanks for visiting!
i would love to get one for my birthday next week :D
13 for my 27
Desi - Aw, I'd certainly send you one if I had your address! ;)
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