The state of Wisconsin, like much of the Midwest, is closed today. I briefly considered bundling up and venturing outside with the camera, but when both the mayor and the governor are encouraging people to stay inside and off the roads -- well, who am I to argue? So, you will have to make do with a photo from last year. Trust me, it looks pretty much the same. *grin*
What started out over the weekend as a "winter storm warning" was upgraded Tuesday afternoon to a "blizzard warning." I'm sure a lot of people thought the system would blow itself out by the time it hit our area, leaving us with half as much snow as the 8-12 inches they were predicting.
Yeah...didn't happen.
The last snow total I heard, about 7am, was 11 inches and it is still coming down. Maybe not as heavy as overnight, but definitely still falling. Total by end of the day is expected to be at least 15 inches and to add to the fun, the temps are starting to fall as well. It isn't only the heavy wet snow, but winds blowing at 25-30 mph (gusting over 40), creating white-out conditions in some areas. Power is out on the east side of town (about 15,000 affected/38,000 countywide), as is cable. I had to turn on the radio to get weather updates -- and yes, I have a battery op one in case we should lose power, too (knock wood). There are trees and lines down around the city, the clearing of which is complicated by the heavy snow some of them are lying under, and because it is so heavy, it is taking longer to plow roads.
All schools and universities are closed, stores are closed, the airport is closed, and buses are not running at this time. The gov has declared a state of emergency and, as mentioned above, has encouraged people to stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary, to call in if you are not sure you have work today -- which, aside from emergency responders and plow drivers, most people don't. Also making roads hazzardous is the fact there are numerous abandoned semis dotting the interstate and other highways, some blocking on/off ramps. Idiots! They were talking about this storm days in advance, yet there are always stupid people who travel at this time of year without consulting local weather. I'm sure you can guess how much sympathy I have for those people.
I think I am going to go back to bed and curl up under the cozy warm blankets with a good book, maybe pop in a DVD later. If you do have the day off and decide to venture out, have fun but be safe. Dress in layers and, if digging out, take frequent breaks and enlist the help of neighbor kids if possible. If you know of elderly neighbors, check in on them and offer to help clear sidewalks and driveways. And remember -- you're never to old to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows! *wink*
Mr. Al is there right now, visiting family.
Mmmmm...cocoa. I could use a cup. ;-)
Stay warm and enjoy the snowday.
Alice ~ Is he cursing the timing of his visit yet? LOL
Jana ~ I have plenty to go around, French Vanilla flavored, even! *g*
Wow, what a *beautiful* picture and you sound like you're coping really well with the storm. I miss snow so much! It's been over 10 years since the last time we had a snow such as you describe!
Thanks, Irish! It;s easy to cope with this much snow when you are prepared and don't have to go out in it. I always keep a few cans of soup on hand in winter, just in case, and since there was no going anywhere, I tried to enjoy a lazy day at home. I watched a movie, did some stitching, and a lot of writing in my journal. I even took a few pics out the front windows -- foder for later posts, LOL.
I think he'll start the cursing tomorrow when he tried to fly back out.
I hope he has a safe and uneventful flight home!
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