Sunday, February 28, 2010

Saving My Pennies...

...and nickels and dimes.

I honestly don't understand people who throw money away. You know, the ones who casually jettison a penny or a nickel or a dime because they're "worthless." I'm not one of those people. With the convenience of debit cards, I don't carry much cash, but when I do--I empty out all the coins as soon as I get home. Quarters go in the laundry bowl, everything else go in a bank I've had since school. About twice a year I deposit whatever is there. All those pennies and nickels and dimes really do add up. In this case, they added up to $25.22.


Kaye said...

That's almost 8 gallons of milk worth of change.

Heather said...

That too, lol!

Alice Audrey said...

I tend to spend my coins, if the kids don't swipe them first.

Jana said...

I do this too! :) I don't know how much is in my little jar at the moment, but it's getting pretty heavy and about halfway full.

I've also begun saving $1 bills. Anytime a dollar bill shows up in my wallet, I tuck it away. I don't know what I'm saving for, exactly, but it's come in handy for spur of the moment theater trips. *bg*

Heather said...

My singles usually go toward bus fare...and the occasional DQ blizzard. *g*

Latesha said...

Hear, hear. I do the same thing. Quarters in pill bottles as they make $10 when filled. The rest goes in the coffee can and gets cashed in every 3-4 months.

Heather said...

L - Great Minds... *grin*