Not having listened to the radio much between November and January (other than the all-Christmas station), I've been catching up on new music the last few weeks. Here are thirteen new songs I'm liking playing on my local radio station. Click on the links to view the videos.
* Chasing Pirates ~ Norah Jones
* Kandi ~ One Eskimo
* Halfway Gone ~ Lifehouse
* You Run Away ~ Barenaked Ladies
* I and love and You ~ Avett Brothers
* Song Away ~ Hockey (LOVE the '80s sound of this one!)
* Heartbreak Warfare ~ John Mayer
* 100 Days, 100 Nights ~ Sharon Jones and The Dap-Kings
* Fearless Love ~ Melissa Etheridge
* All I Have ~ Mat Kearney
* 1901 ~ Phoenix
* She is Love ~ Parachute
* You & Me ~ Dave Matthews Band
(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Adelle Laudan * Colleen * JourneyWoman * Hazel * Brenda
Alice Audrey * Shelley Munro * CountryDew * Elise Logan
Stephanie Adkins * Paige Tyler * Jennifer McKenzie * Ms Menozzi
Janice Seagraves * Bryn Donovan * KS Manning * Jill Conyers Melissa Mashburn * Tatiana Caldwell * Sasha Devlin * Desi
More Thursday Thirteen participants
* Chasing Pirates ~ Norah Jones
* Kandi ~ One Eskimo
* Halfway Gone ~ Lifehouse
* You Run Away ~ Barenaked Ladies
* I and love and You ~ Avett Brothers
* Song Away ~ Hockey (LOVE the '80s sound of this one!)
* Heartbreak Warfare ~ John Mayer
* 100 Days, 100 Nights ~ Sharon Jones and The Dap-Kings
* Fearless Love ~ Melissa Etheridge
* All I Have ~ Mat Kearney
* 1901 ~ Phoenix
* She is Love ~ Parachute
* You & Me ~ Dave Matthews Band
(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Adelle Laudan * Colleen * JourneyWoman * Hazel * Brenda
Alice Audrey * Shelley Munro * CountryDew * Elise Logan
Stephanie Adkins * Paige Tyler * Jennifer McKenzie * Ms Menozzi
Janice Seagraves * Bryn Donovan * KS Manning * Jill Conyers
More Thursday Thirteen participants
I got through nearly half of them. The Dave Matthews was worth the price of admission. I love Nora Jones but have been disappointed in this last album.
I don't know why my comments won't capitalize. what's the opposite of a geek? I have someone who's going to help me tweak but not until April first.
Colleen: Glad you checked a few of the songs out and found one you like. I like this latest Norah Jones song, but have not (yet) heard anything else on the CD. It sounds like quite a departure from previous material, though.
And I hear you on being the opposite of "geek." I usually have to turn to programming friends for computer issues, too. I hope it's an easy fix!
I love fearless love.
Ah, music to my ears. :)
I like Norah Jones. Johm Mayer, on the other hand, makes me grit my teeth with his blabbing about everyone and everything. He's visiting down here in NZ at the moment.
I would love listen to 1901 and Chasing Pirates. I haven't listened to Norah Jones in awhile.
I love MLE and Norah Jones! Great list.
I am a new visitor, so here's my where you can find my TT:
Great selection of songs. I love Melissa Etheridge. Happy T13!
Great songs! I LOVE Lifehouse and Norah Jones. Happy Thursday! *Hugs*
Good songs. Good picks. I like Lifehouse and Barenaked Ladies.
I'm always interested to see other people's favorite music. Some of these work for me, others - not so much. lol.
I've never heard of any of those! LOL! I think I'm more of a Lady Gaga girl! LOL!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
oooooh!!! Some of these I haven't heard before!
I'll have to play them when I get home from work.
I LOVE "You & Me". It's one of my favorites off that CD.
Oh, man... I've not heard any of those - and I love Barenaked Ladies' stuff!
I have *got* to get back in the loop...
Happy TT!
Journeywoman: Isn't that a great song? Been a while since we've heard something new from her, too.
Alice: I take it you approve of my choices? *g*
Sheeley: I like Mayer's music, but I would agree with you that he should keep his mouth shut except when he is singing. LOL
Hazel: I wasn't sure what I thought of these two songs at first, but both have really grown on me.
CountryDew: Thank you, I'm glad you liked some of the selections posted!
Adelle: Thanks, I love the new ME song.
Stephanie: Glad you like, thank you!
Brenda: Thank you, glad you found a couple you like!
Elise: I always find it interesting to see what people like to listen to, and whether it fits your image of them. I listen to many different genres, which is why I like the one local station I usually isten to. They play a lot of new stuff, as well as oldies, blues, reggae, classic rock...a little bit of (almost) everything except rap and hip-hop, which I cannot stand.
Paige: Now see, I am definitely not a Lady Gaga type of person. Just sounds like so much noise to me. lol
Jennifer: As we tend to like a lot of the same music, I had a feeling there would be some here you would like, such as the new DMB.
Ms M: Sorry if I made you feel a bit isolated, but hope you get the chance to enjoy a few of these new songs!
I do not listen to the radio much, so I enjoyed your list. It caught me up on the new music.
Melissa: I've been listening to the radio a lot more since giving up cable beginning of this month. In fact, until I got a HD converter box and antenna set up last night, I could not even get the local channels. Man, I missed the news. And some of my CBS programs.
While I have no difficulty being alone with my thoughts, there were times I needed to either break the quiet or drown out some of my LOUD neighbors, and listening to the radio really helped sometimes.
Yeah. You've got me. I love how Monty Python- est Chasing Pirates is.
Don't know where I've been because I haven't heard any of these before, but I enjoyed most of them. Especially the Dave Matthews, Sharon Jones and Parachute.
You can learn so much about a person by the type of music they listen to.
Thanks for sharing!
(I participate in TT also at http://tatianacaldwell.com/blog)
Liking this very much. I've missed having my radio at work and my local stations have too much talk on during the commute time.
So... I hate to say this, but about the Avett Brother's link....
Fearless love sounds like a great title of a romance.
Happy TT.
I've not heard any of these yet! Thanks for the new tuneage.
Alice: While I am no fan of Monty Python, I do like the Pirate video. Thanks for letting me know about the Avett Brothers link. Dude, I was just listening to that at work yesterday! Must find new video...
Tatiana: I'm glad someone liked the Sharon Jones song. That woman can sing! I love the 1950's look of the video, too.
KS: Ugh! Who wants to listen to talk talk talk after a long day at work and stuck in traffic? Don't they know music helps reduce stress and road rage??
Janice: Oh, that would be a good title, wouldn't it? Run with it, woman! *g*
Sasha: Gasp! None of them? I hope you found a few you like!
fearless love is my kinda love and i aint gonna deny it ever!
Ranting n Panting
You have a few listed I'm not familiar with so I'm off to check them out. Always looking for new music to add to my iPod.
Desi: That's the attitude! *G*
Jill: I hope you find a few you like!
Kewl '13' ... thanks for taking time to include the links. Wish I had time to sit and listen. Maybe another time.
Hugs and blessings,
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