I gave up cable at the beginning of March. Too expensive right now, and heaven knows the money is better spent elsewhere. As my television is a lot older than thought, this also meant being without TV altogether for about three weeks. Yeah, there was some serious withdrawal. Aside from missing favorite programs and certain cable channels (ie: USA, TCM, ABCFam), what I missed most was the evening news (keeping up with local and national events) and being able to get weather updates 24/7. During my time without television programming, I tried to catch up on a few DVDs, some movies I had recorded, and also enjoyed a few perennial faves. Here's what I've viewed during the past month:
The 39 Steps (1935) - Love Hitchcock, but fail to see all the hype surrounding this one.
Death on The Nile (1978) - Classic Agatha Christie.
Deja Vu (2006) - First viewing. Weird premise, but hey -- it features Denzel.
Criminal Minds, The Second Season (2006) - Love this show, and not just because Shemar Moore is easy on the eyes, LOL. Can't believe we're already nearing the end of the fifth season. Its been interesting to re-watch earlier episodes.
Psych, Complete Third Season (2007) - Another favorite show, and one I've missed since giving up cable (naturally it's on USA, sniff). Some of my favorite episodes are from the third season. Man, I miss Shawn and Gus.
He's Just Not That Into You (2009) - A good rainy day kind of movie.
Chocolat (2000) - A favorite "anytime" movie for three reasons: It's about chocolate (duh!), it has an awesome soundtrack, and (of course) it stars Johnny Depp.
Notes on a Scandal (2006) - First viewing. I'd been wanting to see this one since it came out. It was...interesting. Dame Judi does devious so well. *shudder*
Mary Poppins (1964) - No idea why, but I just felt in the mood for this childhood classic one night.
Music & Lyrics (2007) - If nothing else, you gotta love the spoofed 80s music and videos, and Hugh plays the struggling has-been to perfection.
Sigh... Fun movie and a
great soundtrack.
Mamma Mia (2008) -
Music & Lyrics put me in the mood for this one; it made for an awesome double feature.
Secret Admirer (1985) - Had never seen this one before, which is kind of surprising considering how big my sister was on C. Thomas Howell.
Autumn in New York (2000) - Thought I had seen this one before, but apparently not. Good thing there was Kleenex nearby.
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Adelle Laudan * Stephanie Adkins * Journeywoman * Brenda
Colleen * Alice Audrey * Janice Seagraves * Janet * Hazel
Ella Drake * Jamie Babette * Hootin' Anni * CountryDew
Jill Conyers * Harriet * Tatiana Caldwell * Sue * Paige Tyler
Jennifer McKenzie * Grandma * Elise Logan * Jana
A. Catherine Noon * Darla M Sands * Sasha Devlin
More Thursday Thirteen participants
I used to watch Criminal Minda until it started freaking me out so much that I couldn't sleep at night. LOL! Great list! :)
Oops ... I meant Criminal MINDS. LOL! Sorry about that.
Stephanie: LOL, it can have that affect on people. Oddly, neither this nor books like Kay Hooper's psychic serial killers seem to phase me. Apparently my dreams are already weird enough, LOL.
love 7-9!!!
Thanks, Janet! :)
Secret Admirer wow! I watched in when I was in 2nd year high. I've never seen Notes on a Scandal but if Dame Judi is acting, I'll find the DVD. I'd like to watch nos. 2,4and 5.
I have seen so very few of these. I'm seriously lacking in popular culture these days. (those some of these are classics. Where have I been?)
Chocolat was a lovely movie. I need to catch up on some movies. I have Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly and Matthew MacFadyen sitting next to the tv.
Happy T13!
Excellent. Yes, that cable is becoming a huge ripoff if you ask me. You've inspired me to seriously think of doing the same.
Here is MY Thursday 13. You'll need to scroll down below my Thursday Thunks to view them. Do stop by for a visit if you can find time. Hope your day is super.
Love #7, 10 & 11 - Mamma Mia is one of my new favorite movies.
I haven't seen Autumn in New York, but you inspire me to check it out. Thanks.
You know you can watch the news on your computer.
I loved the soundtrack from Mama Mia.
I also love the music from Dream Girls.
Fun list. Happy T13!
I like the Music and Lyrics and Mamma Mia double feature.
If you want great Agatha Christie, find Poirot DVD's starring David Suchet.
Criminal Minds is a favorite. My daughter and I have watched Mama Mia a gazillion times :)
I saw Chocolate a few months ago and Mary Poppins many years ago, but otherwise haven't caught anything on your list. Yet.
When I cut cable a fw years back I took up Netflix. It went a long way to easing the pain and cost much less.
I've enjoyed a few of those myself :)
Have a great day!
I've seen a few of those and wrote Deja Vu down. So much to watch. So little time.
I liked Deja Vu. Enjoy Psych, too - Shawn and Gus are hilarious! Chocolat was entertaining. I haven't seen the others on the list.
We so love Psyche! It's one of our favorite shows!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
I think the hype around "The 39 Steps" is it was Hitchcock's first. It's got all the ingredients that make his later work so great. Other than that? *shrugs*
I love Criminal Minds.
I don't think I've seen most of those before, except Mary Poppins.
I wish I could get rid of cable - so expensive - but don't think it would go over to big around here.
Happy TT!
Have you asked the cable company about a local channels only package? They don't like to advertise them and will try to sell you something else, but you can get them for $7-8 per month.
My daughter and I saw Autumn in New York together back in 2000. We dubbed it "First They're Miserable, Then She Dies, Then He's Miserable". Sorry if I've spoiled the plot for anyone.
My T13: The Best Beans
Anytime is a good time for Mary Poppins. The music is infectious and fabulous. In fact, its....supercalafragalisticexpealidocious
Looks like you kept yourself plenty busy. ;-)
Hazel: Notes on a Scandal was good, but also unsettling in many different ways. There's good reason Dench received an Oscar nomination for this film.
Ella: Don't feel too bad, there are a lot of recent movies I've wanted to see but haven't got round to. I've taken to keeping a list of movies I want to see, LOL.
Babette: P&P is another one of those movies I can watch any time. Love it!
Anni: It has indeed become a rip off. It'd be nice if, as many have proposed, you could build your own cable package. I never watched half the channels I got.
CountryDew: You have excellent taste. All three ahve great soundtracks. *g*
Brenda: I hope you like Autumn in New York. It was a good film, even if it was a little depressing.
Adelle: Problem is, I would always forget to bring up the local news when it was on - and then I would forget to check news at madison.com or local TV station websites. I still have not seen Dream Girls, though it is on my list.
Journeywoman: David Suchet...would that be the AC series that airs on PBS? I always seem to miss those. I think they tend to be on opposite another program I like.
I love Netflix, so I can catch up on tv series and such - without the ads! :)
Good luck on the sans-tv life. It's an adjustment!
Jill: Another CM fan, cool! The only problem with Mamma Mia is that the music is so infectious, you find yourself still singing songs from it days later.
Alice: I have considered joining NetFlix. I like that they offer TV shows as well as a wide variety of movies, and I know you can also watch on your computer. Definitely something I'm thinking about.
Harriet: You obviously have good taste! *g*
Colleen: I hope you like Deja Vu. Not Oscar calibre, but it is a good action movie.
Tatiana: I love Shawn and Gus.
Paige: I knew you would appreciate the Psych mention. *vbg*
Jennifer: I think you're right about why there is so much hype around that movie. There is so much about the movie that does work, but then there are other parts that just didn't seem to mesh. Ah, well...at least there are many other Hitchcock films I do like. I did not know you were a CM fan. Cool!
Sue: I am probably going to wish I had cable again, or at least a better internet connection, when foorball season rolls around again, but for now...I'll try to make do without it.
Grandma: No, I had not thought of that. I know there is a huge difference between basic and expanded basic, but even the basic runs kind of pricey. LOL at your take on "Autumn."
Elise: ROFL...so true, it is! (Except I always think of a sorority song that goes tot hat tune, hehe...)
Jana: I tried to anyway, between catching up on reading and movies that had piled up, LOL.
Catherine: I'm no longer completely without TV since a friend gave me a HD converter she had, but life without cable is definitely an adjustment. I miss all the options, even though there was often nothing on, lol.
Psych! It's common knowledge that I would love being on a deserted island w/ Sean and Gus.
Sasha: LOL - at least you wouldn't be bored!
We don't have cable either just regular TV, but I hardly watch TV anymore. I write too much, or blog, or comment on the loops. Darn internet is such a time suck.
Happy TT.
good choice :)
hope you enjoyed!
Not Afraid
I frequently watch their anime on my computer while I fold laundry. I can get through a whole series that way, watching only when I have a load ready to go. With TV, I have to try and time it, which hasn't worked well for me, or end missing parts of shows or only catching re-runs.
I'm wishing all of TV was on the internet so I could choose exactly what I want to watch, when I want to watch it. I'd gladly subscribe, but I'm not finding that Lulu cuts it. Still, someday soon, I hope.
great job on this!!!!!
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