Alice: Hehe...Did someone not have her coffee this morning? I took this one way back in April but never got round to posting it until you posted yours. I'll have to remember to check it out now that the trees have leafed, see how much of it one can see in summer.
Nina: Tsk, tsk. There are fruits one can eat while reading that are not that messy. Like grapes. Or cherries and bananas apples. I do recommend melon or berries.
I'm too scared of ladders and heights to enjoy something like that. lol But it does look cozy.
With a blanket and some cookies and something to drink... I'm all for it!
Jana: But there's a sturdy rail - see? And it actually has stairs leading up to it instead of a ladder. That's one of the things I like about it.
Nina: Try some fresh fruit instead of those cookies. ;)
LOL. I was just going to say I also posted a picture of a tree house. This one looks easier to use.
Fresh fruit and books do not get along well. Messy fruits make messy books. No good at all. Can't do that to books. Heresy!! :)
Alice: Hehe...Did someone not have her coffee this morning? I took this one way back in April but never got round to posting it until you posted yours. I'll have to remember to check it out now that the trees have leafed, see how much of it one can see in summer.
Nina: Tsk, tsk. There are fruits one can eat while reading that are not that messy. Like grapes. Or cherries and bananas apples. I do recommend melon or berries.
Ack! Heather. Everyone knows fresh fruit and romance novels don't go together.
Unless its covered in chocolate.;-)
Jana: Heh! Obviously you haven't read some of the romance novels I have. Interesting uses of fresh fruits, and not all of them involved chocolate. ;)
Think an ereader might stand up better to fruit juice?
Snort... Not with some of the people I know.
I am not looking at you Jana...Nina. Really, I'm not. *VBG*
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