Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Teaser Tuesday 44: Dead in the Family

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

* Grab your current read.
* Share a few “teaser” sentences from somewhere in the book.
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away. You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title and author so that other participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser!

READ: June 2010

I love spring for all the obvious reasons. I love the flowers blooming (which happens early here in Louisiana); I love the birds twittering; I love the squirrels scampering across my yard.

I love the sound of werewolves howling in the distance.

(pg 37)

As with the other books in the series, this was a fun, fast read.

Sookie Stackhouse has finally settled into a relationship with the Viking vampire Eric, and her errant brother Jason seems to have his life in order, too. But all the other people in Sookie’s life – Eric himself, her former lover Bill, her friend and boss Sam – are having family problems. Eric’s maker shows up with Eric’s ‘brother’ in tow, the ailing Bill can only be healed by a blood sibling, and Sam’s brother’s marriage is about to take place... or will it? The furor raised by the coming out of the two-natured has yet to settle; some people are just not ready to sit down to dinner with a man who turns into a dog. And Sookie herself is still recovering from her last ordeal. She’s definitely improving, physically and mentally, but she’s always going to have some dark moments now. The werewolves tell her that there have been strange and ominous passers-by in the Stackhouse woods; now Sookie is about to come face-to-face with one of her more distant relatives...


CHRISTIE said...

Ha ha! Nice teaser :)

pussreboots said...

I've read her short stories but I'm not sure I want to devote time to the entire series. Mine's from Bollywood Babes by Narinder Dhami.

Lynn Gardner said...

Oh, that's fun! Reminds me I should catch up with the Sookie books (I got side-tracked by Harris's Harper Connelly series).

My teaser is @ Stuff & Nonsense.

Jennifer said...

I was not expecting that. Great teaser. My TT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/07/teaser-tuesdays-the-blind-contessas-new-machine.html

Audrey said...

I agreed with the teaser until she mentioned the werewolves! Not so sure I want to here them off in the distance.
Great teaser!!
Thanks for visiting mine :)

Aimee said...

Nice teaser! I liked that one. I wasn't too impressed with this book or the last one. I'm hoping they get better but if the next book is just as bad I will be giving up the series. My Teaser is here.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Ooh, that was a bit of surprise at the end...thanks for stopping by my blog.

Alayne said...

Nice teaser. I've read the first 3 books in the series so far. My teaser is at The Crowded Leaf.

Anonymous said...

Great teaser! I've heard a lot about these books, but have not read them myself (yet). Mine comes from Bram Stoker's Dracula this week. Here's the link.

Heather said...

Christie: Thank you! *VBG*

Sarah: I was wary about this series myself, but once I started I was glad I'd bought the 7-book box set. I devoured them in two weeks. I've found them to be fun, quick reads!

Lynn: How do you like the Harper Connelly series? I loved Lily Bard, Aurora Teagarden is okay, but have heard a lot of people don't like Harper.

Kathy Martin said...

Great teaser! It was a little sweet and insipid until the last line. Mine is from The Mane Attraction by Shelly Laurenston. Happy reading!

Heather said...

Jennifer: LOL...Glad to surprise you!

Audrey: Aw, come on - you wouldn't want a couple of studly werewolves running around your property? Yeah, I don't know if I would either, at least not during a full moon. lol

Aimee: I thought this book "just okay." It tied up a few loose ends, but there are still a lot of things left unanswered. Still loving Eric, though. And Pam - I love her sarcastic way with words, LOL.

Heather said...

Laurel-Rain: I love catching people off-guard. The line definitely caught be by surprise and made me laugh while reading it.

Alayne: Thanks, I hope you have enjoyed the series so far. Some of the books are definitely better than others, but I think that's true of any long-running series.

Lit Witch: For the most part, I've really enjoyed the Sookie series - and Dracula is the vampire Eric's idol! *g*

Kathy: Hehe...sort of lulls one into the unexpected, doesn't it? Thanks for visiting! :)

Book Sake said...

LOL...got to love Sookie's mind.

Our teaser is at BookSake.

Lisa (Southern Girl Reads) said...

I love the Sookie series and I really need to get back to them! Great teaser!

Alice Audrey said...

Werewolves howling in the distance? I'm there!

Heather said...

Book Sake: Don't you just? LOL

Lisa: Thank you. It's easy to get caught up in other books and series when new additions only come out once a year - especially since they switched first printing format in mid-series from paperback to hardcover (one of my biggest peeves with publishers!). I hope you pick up where you left off and enjoy them!

Heather said...

Alice: I had a feeling you might be, LOL.

Marg said...

I just borrowed this one, so will be reading it soon.

My teaser is from The Passage this week.

Shelley Munro said...

I'm a Sookie fan. I enjoy the books and the TV show. Great teaser.

Kaye said...

I still haven't tried this series. I liked her Aurora Teagarten stories. Glad you enjoyed it. Have a great week, Heather and happy reading.

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

I know this series is very popular but I haven't read it yet. Im not sure if I would enjoy it, but I tend to thinkt hat if a lot of people enjoy it then there is probably something too it. Its a strange teaser thats for sure!

Aisle B said...

Can't wait to start this one soon. I have it on the shelf and it's been crying out to me forever.

Come on by if you get a chance at Aisle B. Posted mine with JD RObb's Eve as the helm again.

PK Reeves
Aisle B

Heather said...

Marg: I hope you enjoy it!

Shelley: Thank you. I admit, I much prefer the books over the TV show. I watched season one on DVD, and it just got a little too weird for me.

Kaye: I've only read one of the Aurora books, but loved the Lily Bard series and really like this one. I haven't yet read and am now a little wary of the Harper Connolly books after some of the talk in the Cozy Mystery group.

Heather said...

Becky: I was skeptical about liking it myself, even after many people I know assured me I would. Hey, they were wrong about LKH (can't stand her). I was glad I had bought the 7-book box set when I finally decided to dive in. Could not put them down! If you like vampires and paranormal, I'd say give the series a chance!

PK: Put that poor book out of it's misery and pull it off the TBR shelf now! LOL - thanks for visiting!

jlshall said...

Great teaser! I don't think I ever ran into any werewolves while I was living in Louisiana. Guess I got out just in time!

Heather said...

Joy: I don't remember seeing any on my visits there, but I guess you never know. I did see a mountain lion crossing the highway outside Shreveport. Hmm...maybe it was actually a werelion? LOL