Monday, September 13, 2010

Teaser Tuesday 52: The Search

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

* Grab your current book or recent read.
* Share a few “teaser” sentences from somewhere in the book.
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away. You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title and author so that other participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser!

The following is from a book I finished over the weekend.

Even the comfort of a friend, the familiarity of her dogs and the nighttime routine didn’t spare her from the bad dreams. She woke every hour, struggling out of the goop of a nightmare only to sink in again the next time she drifted off. (pg 69)

A good story, great characters, though it could have easily been a hundred pages shorter than the 488 it topped out at. Holding it really killed my elbows!

About the book:

To most people, Fiona Bristow seems to have an idyllic life - a quaint house on an island off Seattle's coast, a thriving dog-training school, and a challenging volunteer job performing canine search and rescue. Not to mention her three intensely loyal Labs. But Fiona got to this point by surviving a nightmare...

Several years ago, she was the only survivor of a serial killer - a madman who stalked and abducted young women, strangled them, and left them buried with a red scarf on their bodies. As authorities were closing in on the Red Scarf Killer, he shot and killed Fiona's cop fiance and his K-9 partner.
(Read more)


Alice Audrey said...

You're poor elbows. Between that and the scrape, you're in quite the shape.

Anne said...

I love Nora Roberts! I still have to read this one.

My teaser.

Heather said...

Alice: No kidding, right? At least the scrape is better. It's all itchy from healing, and the bruise is still tender but fading. Sigh...only me. lol

Anne: I was lucky to have a friend loan me her copy (though my elbows sort of wish I'd waited for the PB version, lol). I wouldn't count this one among her best, but it was a good story. I especially liked the S&R dog angle.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I know what you mean about holding those fat books! I thought it was just me...being elderly, and all! lol

I've been really wanting to read this one.

Click on my name...

BTW, I agree about when this post goes up...I get frustrated waiting to enter my links, and then I usually find that 60 or more people got there before me, because I finally had to go to sleep.

Jennifer said...

I wonder what her dreams are that are keeping her from sleeping well. I am adding this to my ever growing TBR list. My TT:

Harvee44 said...

Cool that your book is also about service dogs, even as secondary characters. Here's my teaser from a book about a Labrador retriever service dog, A Dog Named Slugger.>

Heather said...

Laurel-Rain: Holding those big, fat books can be a problem at any age, I think, but especially for older readers who deal with arthritus or other ailments. I try to save them for weekends and holidays, as they're too heavy to carry around.

I'm glad someone feels the same way I do about when the hub goes up each week. I was online until midnight last night and it still wasn't up, so I ended up being #82 today. As you said, the later the hub goes up, the later you get your link in, the less traffic you get. The early posters rarely check back #100 or later. I try to, in case I miss any of the people I usually visit, but it's easy to forget.

Heather said...

Jennifer: Trust me, we would not want her dreams. I hope you do get round to readign it and enjoy it!

Bird Book Dog: I guess we did both post about service dogs of a sort today, didn't we? *G*

Book Sake said...

I hate nightmares like that! I've yet to read a Nora Roberts book, really ought to change that.

jlshall said...

This sounds like a good one. Haven't read anything by Nora Roberts yet, but I've got several of her books in my "must read" stack - and they all seem to be chunksters. Love the teaser!

Kathy Martin said...

Great teaser! I loved this book. I thought it was one of her best romantic suspense titles. Happy reading!

Aisle B said...

That sounds like a restless nightmare of a time...

Posted mine on Aisle B
on bad character of Boss

Shelley Munro said...

I haven't read any of the recent Nora Roberts books. I find hardbacks really difficult to read in bed because they'e so heavy.

Heather said...

Book Sake: Haven't read her yet? What are you waiting for? Though many thinkof her as synonymous with romance, she writers some great thrillers. Montanna Sky is one of my all-time favorites!

Joy: Time to pull one of those books out of the TBR! While some of her books are pretty big, they do read fast.

Kathy: While I didn't think this was one of her best, it was a good read. I especially liked the S&R aspect of it.

Heather said...

Aisle B: Definitely soem pretty bad nightmares during the course of this book, and not only while people were sleeping. ;)

Shelley: Actually, at least while lying down I could place a throw pillow on my stomach and prop the book on that, which helped take some of the pressure off my poor arms and elbows.

Kristin said...

Great teaser...I have this book on my tbr list. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Alice Audrey said...

Not just you. I could so easily see myself doing the same thing.

Heather said...

Kristin: Thanks! I hope you get to and enjoy this one soon!

Alice: We make quite a pair, don't we? *snort*