* Whose Body? -- Dorothy Sayers was the August featured author for the Cozy Mysteries group. One of the Grande Dames of the mystery genre, and a contemporary of Agatha Christie.
* Trixie Belden -- First three books read as part of a group reread of a favorite childhood series to see how they stood up as an adult. I always prefered Trixie and friends to Nancy Drew, and still have all my books.
* Sketch Me if You Can is one of the best first books I've read. Will definitely read the next in this series!
* Read here and here for previous posts on Murder in the Queen's Armes.
* See this week's Teaser Tuesday for more on The Pindar Diamond.
Maddy Barone * Alice Audrey * Elise Logan
Shelley Munro * Ms Menozzi * Brenda
Adelle Laudan * Tatiana Caldwell * Paige Tyler
Kaye * Inez Kelley * Colleen * A. Catherine Noon
Jennifer Leeland * CountryDew * Jeanne St James
More Thursday Thirteen participants
Looks like you went on a Vick Lewis Thompson/Trixie Belden kick.
I was gonna say that those Vicki Lewis Thompson covers really stood out amongst the others. :)
Geez... You were rippin' it up, weren't you? LOL!
I read more once I'd finished my edits - and my book purchases in the US are the topic of my T13, today! Books are in the air, I guess...
Happy TT!
More good reads? Cool. Sketch Me If You Can sounds like one I should get my hands on. Thanks.
You have definitely piqued my interest in Sketch Me if You Can. I will have to hunt it down. I read Hannah's List by Debbie Macomber, I won an autographed copy actually. It was a very nice read.
Happy T13!
The Pindar Diamond looks good. I like the elegant cover. But the Blaze looked darn good too ;)
I see some GR titles in there! Glad to know you liked that Sketch Me if You Can book. I need to put that one on the list.
Alice: Well, you know...one was a trilogy, the other a challenge, LOL.
Shelley: Those are some HOT covers, aren't they? They alone were worth the price of the books. LOL
Kimberly! You're back! You missed my post from two weeks ago. It's one I know you'll like. ;-)
Brenda: I really liked Sketch Me if You Can. Did I mention there's a ghost? *g*
Adelle: I've heard a lot of good reports on Hannah's List. I'm going to have to track that one down!
Maddy: Pindar was good. So was the Blaze trilogy. In different ways, of course. *WEG*
Kaye: Yes, just a few GR selections in there, many from the CM group. *G*
I could go for those Vicki Lewis Thompson books juet for the covers! LOL!
Great list!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Paige: As I said, the covers alone were worth the price. lol
One all summer. And one movie on the big screen: Inception. Was it a book first. Should have been.
What a fun list! I love seeing other peoples' TBR or HBR lists. Thanks!
Colleen: Did you finish the Gilbert book or are you still working on it? I have not seen Inception yet, but have heard rave reviews about it.
A. Catherine: Thanks, I like seeing other peoples' lists, too! *g*
Trixie Belden, wow. Haven't thought of those books in years.
Wow- I'm way behind!
Have a great Thursday!
Anita: Good memories, huh? *vbg*
Harriet: Haven't done much reading lately, have we? *g*
Oh my goodness, I'd almost forgotten about Trixie Belden! Love those books.
You're making me feel like such a slacker with all the books you're blazing through.
I loved Trixie Belden when I was a kid!
Looks as if you like crime stories, me too !
You always have the best reading lists.
Tatiana: I'm always floored to find another Trixie Belden fan. I loved them as a kid, and have found them to be just as good as an adult.
Mama Zen: Me too! I never cared much for nancy Drew, but loved Trixie and friends.
Gattina: Yes, I love mysteries and thrillers of all sorts - cozy, rom suspense, with or without paranormal elements.
Jennifer: ROFL...thank you. And always so eclectic, aren't they? *G*
I am too deep in edits to read but looks like you read for the both of us!
Trixie Belden! I remember those. :) I'm late today. Happy TT!
Great list of books. Added a few to my B&N list.
Inez: LOL - I seem to read enough for lots of people. *g*
Darla: Ah, another Trixie fan!
Jill: I hope you enjoy the books you selected!
I'm always a little leery of those challenges that expect you to read only one author. I'm always afraid if I read too many by the same author in a row I'll ruin the pleasure of reading them.
Wow. Trixie Belden. Been a long time since I've seen those.
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