Sunday, February 13, 2011


This is one of two cards made Saturday at a Stampin' Up workshop hosted by a friend. Our demo did not know ahead of time that we actually needed sympathy cards this week. It was pure luck that she chose one of those plus another for our little party to make. A friend's grandmother recently passed, so we used one card for a group of us to sign for her. Mine is for the family of a friend of my sister's, who died unexpectedly at age 41 last week (heart attack) and whose funeral is Monday morning. The card has a unique fold. The flower panel opens to the left, and then the striped panel opens to the right to reveal a message of solace inside.


Alice Audrey said...

I'm sorry that you needed it. Came out beautifully, though.

Jana said...

Ditto what Alice said. ;-)

Heather said...

Thank you both. Sadly, we are that age where we seem to need them more frequently. Will have to make up a few to keep on hand. Of course, I keep meaning to do up a large birthday assortment, too, as this is a busy time of year for both friend and family birthdays.

Alice Audrey said...

Somehow I just can't see you running short on cards.

Heather said...

Hard to believe, I know, but it does (occasionally) happen.