I was trying to decide on a topic for this week when it occured to me I had not done this in a while--not since sometime last fall. So, here are the most recently viewed movies or DVDs, going backward over the last few months. Click on a link for information on any title listed below.

Monk, Season 1 (Complete first season, good for when you need a few laughs.)

Burn Notice, Season 1 (Complete first season. Mmm...Michael Weston.)

Inception (
Awesome movie, highly recommend it. Totally deserved all its Oscar wins and nominations, especially those for special effects.)

Lost in Austen (4-part mini-series based on
Pride and Prejudice. Modern day woman ends up in the world of
P&P where anything that can go wrong, does, and characters are not necessarily as they seem in Jane Austen's novel. Funny situations and great one-liners.)

Over the Hedge (I'd been wanting to see this for years, so when I stumbled across it one Saturday evening just as it was starting, I had to watch. Loved it!)

American Gangster (Good movie, based on a true story. And, well...it has Denzell, and Russell...)

Extraordinary Measures (Another good one, based on a true story.)

Letters to Juliet (Love this one, great romantic comedy!)

Sherlock Holmes (Good action movie, but I think friends enjoyed it more than I did.)

Valentine's Day (Jam-packed with stars, but really good. I like the different intersecting story-lines. This one is now on my wishlist.)

The Legend of Johnny Lingo (This was okay; it was a weekend non-cable offering. I was bored, not feeling well and wasn't in the mood to read or do anything else.)

The Lost Valentine (I hate you, Hallmark, really I do. This was a real tear-jerker.)

Fly Boys (Based on the true story of the Lafayette Escadrille, a WWI flying squadron. Good movie. If that's not enough for you...men in uniform.)
Have you watched anything good lately? Anything you'd recommend?
LINKS TO OTHER THURSDAY THIRTEENS:(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Maddy Barone * Adelle Laudan * Shelley Munro
Bratty * Alice Audrey * Colleen * Mercy * Ron
Sandra * CountryDew * Dawn * Harriet
Paige Tyler * Jennifer Leeland * Janice Seagraves
I must get a hold of Inception, looks like a good one. I had a bunch of old VHS burned to DVD's, so I've been watching oldies, but goodies. Dances with Wolves is next on the list.
Happy T13!
Adelle: I was really glad we saw Inception for my birthday, and that we watched it on DVD. It's nearly 3-hrs long, so a pause around the 2-hr mark was a great necessity, LOL. This is one of those films where, if you blink or miss even five minutes of it, you will be lost the rest of the movie.
Rewatching older movies can be a lot of fun, especially if you have not seen them in years. I have considered going back through my video collection; it could take a few years to get through them all, LOL.
I enjoyed several of these. Fly Boys is good with NZer Martin Henderson. I enjoyed Lost in Austen and hubby and I always watch Monk. He makes us laugh.
Shelley: We seem to have a lot of similar tastes in programing, don't we? Did you know Tony Shalhoub (Monk) is from Wisconsin? He spoke at the Capitol a couple weeks ago, but I missed it due to out-of-town friends who were visiting for the day
I saw Sherlock Holmes, and Valentines Day (shudders), but not the rest of them on your list.
I recently watched The Other Boleyn Girl, Date Night, Robin Hood, and Beautiful Stranger - which had no subtitles BTW - and Micmacs.
I highly recommend Micmacs. The rest...hmm....
Bratty: I have not seen any of those. Wait--which version of Robin Hood? There are so many different incarnations and I have seen a couple of them.
I absolutely loved Inception. Great list, thankyou. Happy T13!
The pre-Natalie, Sharona Monks were, in my opinion, superior; though the man himself was somehow more pathetic. A great series.
And a fine 13, too.
letters to Juliet is an all-time fave!
I've seen some of those and I enjoyed them too. I have No Reservations from Netflox right now. It sounds good.
My husband really enjoyed Sherlock Holmes and has watched it several times. I didn't really care for it, though.
I have been wanting to see Inception and Letters to Juliet. Sherlock Holmes, however, was not my kind of movie. I couldn't even finish it, and that is not like me.
I did like Juliette as well.
Have a great Thursday!
I loved Inception too and am writing down Letters from Juliet. (Or was it "to" Juliet?)
Mercy: Wasn't that a good one?
Ron: I came to the series late, so am more used to Natalie, having only previously picked up a few of the Sharona episodes through weekend marathons. To be honest, both can get on my nerves at times.
Sandra: "Letters" has quickly become one of my faves, too!
Maddy: I hope you enjoy "No Reservations" -- that is one I have wanted to see as well.
Anita: It's nice to know it's not just me where "Holmes" is concerned. I thought it was good, just not really my cuppa.
Dawn: Hope you get to see "Inception" and "Letters" soon. To be honest, if I had watched "Holmes" on my own, I probably would have finished, but I wouldn't have been "just" watching the movie. I'd have had a craft project or my journal or something else occupying half my attention.
Harriet: "Juliet" was a good movie, wasn't it?
Colleen: "To" not "from," dear. Different preposition. ;-)
Inception is a great movie! Really liked Sherlock Holmes too!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Fell asleep watching Inception. It's just me, I know it's a good movie. Thanks about The Lost Valentine. I'll keep the kleenex nearby.
True Grit was amazing!
This is a good idea. As much as I've been watching lately, I could do it easy.
I've got Inception on my Netflix list. Thanks for the warning on The Last Valentine. I'll skip it.
Fun list! I've seen like two of them. :) I have the movie tastes of a 14 year old boy. ~shrug~
Oooh Burn Notice! I so love this show and can't wait for the next season to start! I'm currently watching Justified to satisfy my sexy lawman craving.
Thanks for the rec on Letters to Juliet. I haven't seen it yet but I want to. Now I feel confident renting it. :)
Happy TT,
13 Geddes Pics
I've only seen a few of those. Over the Hedge and he last half hour of Lost Valentine.
At nearly 90, Betty White is still a wonderful actress.
Great list! We found a dark humor/horror called "Trailer Park of Terror" lately. My partner has a penchant for zombies, though. :)
I actually really enjoyed "Inception". And I loved Robert Downy Jr. as Sherlock Holmes.
I loved Inception, Valentine's Day, and Over the Hedge! A few other, I haven't seen.
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