Monday, April 11, 2011

RIP Taboo

I learned Sunday morning that my sister's cat of 16 years died Saturday afternoon. They had been worried about his companion, Lucy, who is the same age and has been losing weight and been sick a lot lately, but Taboo had appeared to be in good health, considering his advanced age. The above picture was taken just this past Christmas. He was a moody, handsome fellow who will be dearly missed by his family. RIP, Taboo.


Alice Audrey said...

Hugs to your sister and her family.

Jana said...

Sad. :( Ditto on the hugs.

Heather said...

Thanks, Jana.

I really worry about them losing Lucy now. Very often elderly companion animals who are ailing will give up their own fight once their mate has gone. This happened with another sister's cats, with the second dying within a couple weeks of the first. Nala, on the other hand, is still young and appers to be healthy, though rather obese these days. Sister says Nala is in for a rude awakening in the form of a DIET.