Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Thursday Thirteen 197: Recently Read

As you may remember, I joined the GoodReads 2011 Reading Challenge, with a goal of 100 books. I am happy to report that so far I am right on track, having just finished book number 29 for the year. Yay me! For a full list of books read this year, see the tab above, which was updated this week. In the meantime, here's a look at what I've read the last few weeks. Click on a cover to read the description of any book.


* As you can see, I have finished off the Alice Kimberly "Haunted Bookshop" series. I really enjoyed these books and look forward to book six out later this year (book one was read last fall). Alice Kimberly also writes a coffee mystery series under the name of Cleo Coyle.

* The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake was a GoodReads FirstReads win. Good writing anda fast read, though it was a very strange story.

* Mortar and Murder is book four in a DIY mystery series—I really like this series. Through a Glass Deadly is book one of three in the Glassblowing series by Sarah Atwell, who also writes the Apple Orchard series as Sheila Connolly.

* The Frog Prince and Man With the Muscle were two of many literary birthday presents. The first was good, though slightly depressing. The second ended with a cliffhanger that virtually had me screaming.

* Mockingjay is the final installment in The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. If you have not read this series yet, I highly recommend it. This was a fitting end to the series, though I was quite a bit sniffly at the end.

Your turn: What are you reading these days?

(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Alice Audrey * Tatiana Caldwell * Shelley Munro
Xakara * Brenda * Virginia Cavanaugh * Sandra Collins
Darla M Sands * Janice Seagraves * Maddy Barone
Kimberly Menozzi * Adelle Laudan * Jennifer Leeland
Paige Tyler


Tatiana Caldwell said...

You are on a roll - and are set to easily meet this challenge. I must try to get to the Hunger Games books soon. Also, that "The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake" has my curiosity peaked.

Shelley Munro said...

Some of these look like books I'd enjoy. I think I need to raid my sister's library for some cozy mysteries.

Xakara said...

Looks like you made some great choices. I'm hoping to get far enough ahead of my writing goals that I can participate next year, but the year after is more likely. I miss my non-research reading time!

Happy TT,


Mia Celeste said...

I just finished The Hunger Games and I'm looking for the next book in the series. :) I think it's the one before Mocking Jay. Happy TT!

Virginia said...

I also did TT on the last 13 books I read. We have a few that are the same. :)

Sandra Collins said...

looks like you've read some really great books

Darla M Sands said...

Good list! I'm currently enjoying "Enemy Within" by Marcella Burnard. A mystery sounds good after this science fiction romp. Thanks for the recommendations!

Heather said...

Tatiana: Thanks, I am feeling good about making that goal. Especially since some of these were not quick and easy reads. I do hope you pick up The Hunger Games series. I think you would like these books.

Shelley: Yes, you should. Start with the Haunted Bookshop series, since you mentioned your sister owning those the other day. ;)

Heather said...

Xakara: Thanks, I've always made time for reading, no matter what else was going on, and these were all pretty good.

Brenda: Yes, Catching Fire is next in the series. If you lived a bit closer to me I'd be more than happy to lend it to you, live way over there by Lake Michigan. ;-)

Heather said...

Virginia: Great minds think alike! Can't wait to see what we have in common. *G*

Sandra: Yes, I have, thanks. *vbg*

Darla: Enjoy your SF romp--that's one genre I've never been able to get into.

Kimberly Menozzi said...

I haven't read any of these - but I just might have to try one or two. ;)

Happy TT!

Heather said...

Kimberly: I do hope you are able to find one or two of these!*g*

Maddy Barone said...

I keep meaning to read the Hunger Games books. Are they good?

Paige Tyler said...

I could totally get into Man with the Muscle for the cover alone! LOL!


My TT is at

Heather said...

Maddy: I absolutely LOVE the Hunger Games trilogy. I know the premise turns a lot of people off, but they really are great reads.

Paige: LOL - he is rather yummy looking, isn't he? *WG*

Jana said...

I guess I'm gonna hafta cave and look for the "Haunted Bookstore" mysteries. They all look so interesting. Darn you, Trixie! :-D

CountryDew said...

Since I'm back in college and working on my masters, most of my reading these days are college texts. This is a good list of books - makes me look forward to my next class break!

Janice Seagraves said...

Is it bad that I haven't heard of any of these?

Jennifer Leeland said...

Oooooh some of those look so good!!!! I was wondering about the Lemon Cake book.

Heather said...

Jana: I think you would like Jack and the Haunted Bookshop series. *weg*

Anita: Ugh! College texts. I do remember the days. Being an English major, I guess I was pretty lucky in that I actually occasionally got to read something I liked.

Janice: Yes. Where ya been hiding? lol

Jennifer: I can honestly say I liked all of these--some more than others, but they were all pretty good, even the Lemon Cake book.

Unknown said...

How I envy your time to read so many books. I'm almost ready to submit my next book, and I always reward myself with time to read a good book.
Good luck making it to 100. I have a feeling you'll surpass your goal.
Happy T13!

Heather said...

Thanks, Adelle. Reading is something I always make time for, whether it's a chapter or two before bed, or while riding the bus.