In last week's post, I shared photos taken of and from the outside of the State Capitol in Madison, Wisconsin. This week we visit the inside.
From walls to floors, there are 43 varieties of stone used from around the world.
There are rich wood carvings found in furniture and fixtures throughout the building. Where is this eagle located?
You'll find him at the base of tall, ornate lamps.
In addition to sweeping grand staircases leading up from the center of the rotunda, there are ornate, wood-carved stairways found in each of the four wings.
Marble pillar with ornate gilded top.
The state flower (wood violet), state tree (sugar maple) and animal (badger) can be found above each of the ornate doors leading into the Assembly, Senate, Supreme Court and Hearing Room chambers.
Senate chamber doors flanked by marble pillars.
Between the arches of the rotunda, you will find four glass mosaics created by Kenyon Cox, who also painted murals found elsewhere in the Capitol. Pictured here is the "Justice" mosaic
"Government" mosaic
"Legislation" mosaic
"Liberty" mosaic.
Looking up at the dome from center of the Capitol interior. The dome rises 165 feet above the four wings.
Close-up of the mural "Resources of Wisconsin," painted by Edwin Blashfield, 1917.
* Collages made using Flickr's
mosaic maker.
LINKS TO OTHER THURSDAY THIRTEENS:(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Alice Audrey * Nicholas * Journeywoman
Brenda * Colleen * Janice Seagraves * Xakara
Shelley Munro * Anthony North * Anna
CountryDew * Skylar Kade * Darla M Sands
Harriet * Kimberly Menozzi * Paige Tyler
Tatiana Caldwell * Adelle Laudan * Jennifer Leeland
Great pictures. In the news we've been seeing that Wisconsin has a beautiful capital and beautiful people.
I walked right by the eagle and never noticed him.
Those are great photos. Thank you for sharing.
Journeywoman: Thank you. Oviously, I think it a very beautiful building. *g*
Alice: No comment. Really. *snicker*
Nicholas: Thank you, and thanks for stopping by!
Beautiful pictures! Just three more weeks until I'm in Madison. Can't wait!
Happy TT,
13 Social Media Sites
The interior of the building looks stunning. The floors are beautiful.
What amazing pics. Enjoyed them.
beautiful black doors. and mosaics, of course!
Fascinating architecture!
Wow. Beautiful. Although I've been in the Capitol, I don't remember these sights. I will have visit and look again. Thanks for sharing.
What a lovely building.
Just beautiful. Wow.
Wonderful photography! Thank you for these.
Wonderful architecture- that's for sure!
Have a great day!
Xakara: I hope you get a chance to visit the Capitol while you are here!
Shelley: Thank you - and of course the pictures don't even begin to do it justice.
Anthony: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit here today. :)
Anna: The mosaics are one of my favorite parts of the rotunda.
Colleen: Quite impressive, no?
Brenda: Sounds like I have inspired a not-so-distant future trip back, eh? *g*
I always find it amusing that the architectural styles are so similar to the churches and other buildings here in Europe. I don't know why, but I do. ;-)
Great photos, by the way - you've really given us a sense of "being there".
Happy TT!
Anita and Skylar: Thanks! *g*
Darla: Thanks for the complement, I'm glad you enjoyed them!
Harriet: Ack! I forgot to mention who the architect was. I Knew there was something I meant to include.
(It was George Browne Post, who was quite well known at that time.)
More great pics! That's some beautiful architecture!
My TT is at
The craftsmanship in all of the works of art is really amazing. Thanks for sharing. Happy T13!
Kimberly: I think that's the hallmark of a classic architectural style - it will be emulated the world over. Thanks for the photo compliment. I'm glad you felt a sense of being there. *g*
Paige: Thank you! I think many first-time visitors are (pleasantly) surprised by what they find on the inside. It's especially fun seeing the looks on kids' faces, particularly when they get that first look up inside the rotunda. :)
Gorgeous. Those staircases and the wood carvings - marvelous! I can't wait to visit.
Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. It was a dark, rainy day. In fact, The inside of the capital building tends to be dark all the time. How'd you get such great shots?
Ooooh very cool. I love the staircase. Gorgeous.
Tatiana: I confess, as impressive as the grand staircases in the center are, I love these side stairways.
Jennifer: Yay, another staircase fan! *vbg*
Alice: Yes, I remember we had A LOT of rain when you were here (understatement, right?), and the interior is quite dark on gray, overcast days. I took these on a bright, sunny day in July using autoflash. In fact, the sun was so bright it hurt your eyes being outside too long. Made for perfect conditions to photograph the inside of the Capitol, though.
I was disappointed in pics taken previously with the old camera, but the new one (now a year old)? I can honestly say it was the best Christmas present ever from my sister. Great zoom capacity, and - as you can see - excellent photo quality.
Oops...missed Adelle. Truly amazing work, isn't it? And these aren't just local artists, these are nationally and internationally reknowned artisans.
lovely building and such cooperation to make it possible. may it inspire all speech inside the space.
That is a very beautiful building. They just don't don't make them like that anymore.
those stairs are amazing!
Wow, what a beautiful building!
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