Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thursday Thirteen 202: Rain Songs

I don't know about anyone else, but like many in the central and eastern US, from North Dakota down to Mississippi and across to the coast, I am tired of the rain. Lakes and rivers are swollen, whole towns have been swallowed by the flood waters, and people are sick of it. So, here's my version of a rain dance. Maybe these tunes will bring us a break in the weather. Well, worth a try anyway, right? Click on a link to watch the vid.

1. Singing in the Rain - Gene Kelly
2. Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head - BJ Thomas
3. Here Comes the Rain Again - The Eurhythmics
4. No Rain - Blind Melon
5. Raining in My Heart - Bernadette Peters (Really cute guys in this one!)
6. Purple Rain - Prince
7. Rainy Days and Mondays - The Carpenters
8. I Think It's Going to Rain Today - Bette Midler
9. Rain - Madonna
10. Have You Ever Seen the Rain - Creedence Clearwater Revival
11. Rain - Breaking Benjamin
12. Rhythm of the Rain - Dan Fogelberg
(Or, if you prefer, here's the original by The Cascades)
13. Let It Rain - Tracy Chapman

LINKS TO OTHER THURSDAY THIRTEENS:(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Alice Audrey * Shelley Munro * Brenda ND
i Beati * CounrtyDew * Paige Tyler

Darla M Sands * Skylar Kade * Kimberly Menozzi
Colleen * Ornery's Wife * KS Manning * Jana
Suzanna Medeiros * Maddy Barone * Harriet
allstarme * Adelle Laudan * Janice Seagraves


Alice Audrey said...

I haven't thought of Blind Mellon in years. That's a nice little visit to memory lane.

We're wet, too, though I doubt as wet as you. I've never seen the river get so high, but only half a dozen families have been flooded so far.

Shelley Munro said...

Hey, I hope these songs aren't going to bring the rain down on me. We're having a clear spell after almost a week of rain.

Mia Celeste said...

Yep, we've had lots of rain lately. I'll be watching the skies to see if your rain dance works. :)

i beati said...

I love the rainsongs as much as I love the rain!!sandy

CountryDew said...

Great list, certainly one that reflects the thoughts of many! I hope your raindance does its thing!

Paige Tyler said...

I've never even heard of most of those!


My TT is at

Darla M Sands said...

Nice choices! I know some and others are new to me. We're under more rainy skies here, too, and sick of it even if our flooding isn't so bad. Best wishes!

Skylar Kade said...

Love "No Rain" by Blind Melon. Great selection here.

Happy T13!

Kimberly Menozzi said...

Now I'm going to have to go listen to just about all of those songs on a nice, sunny day. ;)

Happy TT!

colleen said...

I'm thinking of the nursery rhyme we sang as children that goes "rain rain go away....(children's names) want to play!

We've had a lot of it here too.

orneryswife said...

I am glad to NOT be singing in the rain today, although it looks like there is some more in the forecast... Cool TT.

Anonymous said...

Love this. I started playing them as the rain here picked up steam this morning. My co-workers thought I was nuts. Maybe I am after all this rain. :)

Happy T13!

Suzanna said...

Those are some great songs! I think I'll be sharing a couple of them with my eight year olds. I don't think they've ever heard the proper version of "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head". :) (It's been raining here all week, too.)

Maddy Barone said...

I actually knew most of these! (for once!) And we've had three sunny days in a row here. Of course this weekend is going to rain.

I am Harriet said...

Oh I won't be able to get Singing in the Rain out of my head :)....we're happy again...

Have a great Thursday!

Anonymous said...

Heh, nice collection of songs. Happy Thursday.

Jana said...

Rain, rain, go away. Come again another couple weeks from now. Thanks.

Supposed to rain here again tomorrow. Joy.

Heather said...

Alice: That was one of the first titles that came to mind when I started jotting them down. Glad you enjoyed the trip down Memory Lane. *g*

Shelley: LOL - sorry! *weg*

Brenda: Yes, and it looks like we are in for thunderstorms over the weekend. Darn it, we wanted to go to the Farmer's Market Saturday!

Heather said...

Sandy: Thanks! I usually don't mind a good, hard rain, but we've had so much of it lately, and it's cold besides. I'm tired of cold and wind as much as I am rain.

Anita: Yes, I hope the "rain dance" works as well. *g*

Paige: Yay, we're making progress. Usually you don't know any of the songs I post. LOL

Heather said...

Darla: Doesn't it always seem like some areas get too much of something while others don't get enough? I'm sure people in the Southwest US would love some of this rain.

Skylar: That is a good one, isn't it? I've had that and Brandi Carlisle's "The Story" from your post alternating in my head the last couple hours now, lol.

Kimberly: ROFLMBO... Sorry! *WEG*

Heather said...

Colleen: And now I have Carole King's version of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" in my head. Yes, I know, the way my mind works amazes me sometimes, too. *g* Hope it dries out where you are soon, too.

TM: Though cloudy today, we are not supposed to see any rain. Supposed to be in the low 70s today, but without the sun it's sure taking its time getting there.

KS: Cool! I hope you enjoyed some of my selections. There were a lot more I could have listed!

Heather said...

Suzanna: Thanks, I hope your 8-yr-old likes some of these. I take it you've never seen Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid before? Good movie!

Maddy: I hope the ones you knew brought back good memories. We had rain yesterday morning, when I was compiling my list, but today and tomorrow are supposed to be dry before it hits again - and now it looks like rain Sat through Wed. Ugh!

Harriet: MWAHAHAHAHA... Looks like my work here is done. *g*

Heather said...

Allstarme: Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed them.

Jana: LOL... I'm sure there are a lot of people thinking that, especially along rivers like the Mississippi.

Janice Seagraves said...

When I was a kid, Rain Drops Keeps Falling On My Head was my favorite song.

Xakara said...

If you can't get the rain to stop, at least send it down to New Mexico--not all at once, but as a drought state, we can use it over the course of days to weeks. We got a small bit today, but not enough to relieve things. We'll take it!

Thanks for the songs, they take me back.

Happy TT,

13 (More) Distractions

Tatiana Caldwell said...

Man, I'd forgotten about great songs like "Here Comes the Rain Again", "Singing in the Rain" and "Let It Rain". Never forgot about "Purple Rain", though. *turns it on right now*

Heather said...

Janice: I think a lot of learned that one in school music classes. *g*

Xakara: Too bad we can't divert the Mississippi River over your way, huh? Here's hoping you get some of this rain soon!

Tatiana: Happy to refresh your memory. "Purple Rain" was another one of those I immediately thought of when compiling this.