Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thursday Thirteen 203: Recently Read

Here's what I've been reading the last few weeks—click on any cover for info on the book...

* Books 3 and 4 of The Chronicles of Narnia. Only three more to go...

* The Book Thief and Water For Elephants were in the TBR pile a couple of years—and naturally I wondered why I hadn't got to them sooner once I'd read them. Really great fiction, highly recommend both. Read the teasers here and here.

* A Courtesan's Guide, You Belong to Me and The Bite Before Christmas are all GoodReads First Reads wins. Loved the first two, the last was just okay. A Courtesan's Guide teaser, Bite teaser.

* Protecting Plain Jane is part of a series that overlaps several books—and it's driving me nuts not knowing who the serial killer is. Sigh...three more months 'til the next installment comes out. Not that I'm counting or anything.

* At Grave's End is book three in the Night Huntress series. I have four more by this author coming my way, just as soon as a friend is done with them: the last two in the Night Huntress series, and two in the Night Huntress World spin-off. Can't wait! Read the teaser here.

* Celebrity Sudoku and Faux Finished are books six and one in their respective series. I liked the first much more than the second.

* Dick Francis is the May Featured Author in the Cozy Mysteries group at GoodReads. Although I've seen his books around for years, I'd never read him before this time last year. Now I keep an eye out for books at the library used book sale and the clearance rack at HPB. Longshot was featured as this week's Teaser Tuesday.

I have now read 42 books towards my goal of 100 for the year. I have somehow maintained at least a two-book lead ahead of where I should be, even with some pretty long books this month (The Book Thief was 550 pages!). My goal for the next two months is to finish the last three Harry Potter books before the last movie comes out mid-July. Also need to read a few of the books that have been loaned to me, as they are piling up.

Your turn: Read anything good lately that you would recommend?

LINKS TO OTHER THURSDAY THIRTEENS:(Please leave your link if this is your first visit!)
Janice Seagraves * Kimberly Menozzi * Shelley Munro
Darla M Sands * Adelle Laudan * Suzanna Medeiros
Alice Audrey * Jennifer Leeland * Paige Tyler
Cheryl * CountryDew * Harriet


Janice Seagraves said...

Hi Heather,

I've read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was around thirteen, and loved them.

But when I read them as an adult it wasn't the way I remembered it.

Some of the magic was gone.

It just might be one of those stories that are better read if your still young.


Kimberly Menozzi said...

Some great selections, there. I'll be reading Water for Elephants this summer sometime (my mom got a copy) and I'll probably revisit Narnia sometime, too.

In between writing my own stuff, of course. ;)

Happy TT!

Shelley Munro said...

I haven't read a single one of these. I've been enjoying Zoe Archer's Blade of Roses series recently. I really like the unusual settings she uses and her characters are all strong, both male and female.

Darla M Sands said...

I'm enjoying a biography by a funny Cleveland celebrity. It probably wouldn't mean anything if you don't know the "Big Chuck and Lil' John Show". :)

Unknown said...

The first book of Dick Francis I ever read was Shattered. I love his style. My daughter gave me a book yesterday and said I have to read it.
I read the first four chapters in bed last night. The title is Dust by Arthur Slade and it's a YA mystery with a touch of science fiction. The writing is simplistic, but it sure grabs the reader. It is the first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning. That in itself, says it all.
Happy Reading.

Heather said...

Janice: I read half the Narnia books when I was ten, so it's been interesting picking up the ones I missed and rereading others.

Kimberly: I hope you enjoy Water for Elephants as much as I did. I'm undecided on whether I want to see the film. Have heard mixed reviews on it.

Heather said...

Shelley: Am not familiar with Zoe Archer series. Paranormal?

Darla: You're right--I have no idea who they are, LOL.

Adelle: I actually finished Shattered after I posted this last night, before going to bed. The last couple chapters especially kept one reading. And guessing. I would say thinking about a book first thing in the morning is a sure sign of how good it is.

Alice Audrey said...

A Harlequin Intrigue? I haven't read one of those in years.

Heather said...

Alice: Yes, a HI. I don't read many of them anymore, but there are still a few authors writing for the line I like, including Julie Miller, Rebecca York, and Ann Voss Peterson.

Cheryl said...

LOVED Water for Elephants and The Book Thief is definitely on my list! Thanks for sharing.

Here's my Thursday 13 link if anyone is interested:

Jennifer Leeland said...

I think I read every single Dick Francis that was out back in 2000. There were TONS. I burned out on him. I LOVE "Shattered" though.

I am Harriet said...

A few of those look interesting. I'll have to check them out.

Enjoy your Thursday!

Heather said...

Cheryl: I hope you red and enjoy The Book Thief. It was a remarkable story.

Jennifer: Yes, he does have quite the extensive backlist. Which is why I only pick them up a couple at a time on clearance. Don't think I could read more than a couple of his in a row anyway.

Harriet: Do let me know what you pick up and if you enjoyed it.

Suzanna said...

I haven't read "The Chronicles of Narnia" in forever. Some of the other books look very interesting.

CountryDew said...

I recommend Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier and People of the Book by Gwendolyn Brooks.

Water for Elephants was a great read.

Heather said...

Suzanna: I hadn't read them in forever, either. Like i said, it's been interesting rereading or catching up on ones I missed.

Anita: People of the Book is in the TBR pile. It's another of those books I keep meaning to get to!

colleen said...

I'm almost finished with Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor and Fate and Destiny by Michael Meade. Both are nonfiction.

Unknown said...

How did you like Water for Elephants? And more importantly, will you mail it to me? :P

Forgetfulone said...

The Chronicles of Narnia, the whole series, was so goooood! I also enjoyed Water for Elephants. Haven't seen the movie yet. The Book Thief is in my TBR list.

Heather said...

Colleen: I hope you enjoyed both books!

Bratty: Loved it, and NO. Sorry, but this one goes on my keeper shelf. *g*

Forgetfulone: I hope you enjoy The Book Thief as much as I did when you get to it!