1. Men of Honor (2000): One of my favorite based-on-a-true-story movies about the first black navy diver. Plus, it has Cuba Gooding, Jr. and Robert DeNiro. (ThisTV)
2. Invictus (2009): Matt Damon/Morgan Freeman. Another great movie based on a true story. Two Oscar Nominations. (DVD)
3. Persuasion (2007): Based on the novel by Jane Austen. This was a pretty good rendering of the story. (PBS)
4. Bonnie and Clyde (1967): Based on the Depression-era bank robbers. Won two of ten Oscars for which it was nominated (PBS)
5. Munster Go Home (1966): I did mention some of these were pretty campy...right? (ThisTV)
6. Pajama Party (1964): Campy 1960's beach movie starring Annette Funicello. (PBS)
7-9: Gilmore Girls, Seasons 3, 4 and 5: On loan from my sister. Still have seasons six and seven to watch. (DVD)
10. Sliding Doors (1998): An interesting though weird premise about how different one's life might be based on whether or not you caught a particular train. Liked it, if for no other reason than it stars John Hannah. There's just something about that man's voice and eyes.
11. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971): A childhood favorite, part of a weekend chocolate double-feature. I have not seen the newer version and do not care to. (VHS)
12. Chocolat (2000): Part two of the chocolate double-feature. Absolutely love this movie, and the soundtrack is awesome, too. Nominated for five Oscars. (DVD)
13. Unforgiven (1992): Easy to see why this movie won four of the nine Oscars for which it was nominated, including that of director and best picture. (PBS)
What was the most recent movie or DVD you watched?
Maddy Barone * Shelley Munro * Darla M Sands
Sandra Collins * Xakara * CountryDew * Jana
Jennifer Leeland * Harriet * Suzanna Medeiros
Paige Tyler * Alice Audrey * Carla Krae
Adelle Laudan * A Catherine Noon * Tatiana Caldwell
Invictus? Say it isn't so! I refuse to watch that movie. Our team was nobbled. *grin*
I just watched a campy one called "Hot Fuzz" from the guys who did "Sean of the Dead". It was pretty mindless entertainment that I needed at the time. :)
looks like some good ones
Now I need to watch Chocolat again. Just when my TBW list was already overflowing! :)
Happy TT,
13 DVR'd Shows
One of my favorite campy movies is Biggles, Adventures in Time.
Chocolat is a great movie! One of my favorites.
I watched Shrek Forever After and The Sorcerer's Apprentice in the last week.
What a great collection! And there's no judgment here. I've been known to spend HOURS on Hulu. LOL!!
Great choices. Pajama Party brings back memories!
Have a great day!
Ooh, I'm so excited because I didn't know about this version of Persuasion! Since it's my favorite Austen novel, I simply must get it!
I've seen Sliding Doors, Chocolat and Unforgiven. I've never seen Gilmore Girls, though. I think I need to remedy that oversight. :)
Love The Munsters! LOL!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com/
Shelley: Sorry, hon, LOL. It really is a good one, though.
Darla: Have not seen either of those, but glad you enjoyed them!
Sandra: Yes, some of them really were good.
Xakara: Yes, but it's one worth watching again adn again. I have a lengthy TBW list, too.
Maddy: Biggles?! Okay, can honestly say I have never heard of that one. lol
Anita: Not a fan of Shrek, but I could probably do The Sorcerer's Apprentice
You've got some real oldies mixed in there.
Jennifer: Thanks - probably a really good thing I can't watch Hulu on my computer, huh? No telling what I might find, LOL.
Harriet: Hope it was good memories! *g*
Suzanna: PBS had an Austen film fest recently, different movies every Sunday. They also showed a two-part Sense and Sensibility (not the Emma Thompson version), but I forgot it was on and missed the first half.
Paige: What? I have something listed that you know and like?? Cool! *vbg*
Nice eclectic mix, Trixie. :)
Alice: Yes, that would be in thanks to PBS and ThisTV (the poor man's movie channel--it's a digital channel that airs all old movies, though not quite the quality of TCM. Occasionally you come across a good one, though, like Sliding Doors).
Jana: Why, thank you. *g*
I've seen and enjoyed Men of Honor, Persuasion, Bonnie and Clyde, Sliding Doors, Willy Wonka and Chocolat.
I recently watched A Lion in Winter (1968 version) and LOVED it!
Tatiana: I've only seen part of A Lion in Winter, but liked what I saw of it. We started watching it in a college French Civ course, but never watched the end. I am determined to see the entire movie one of these days!
I don't know if I could sit through a Beach Blanket Bingo movie with Anette F. now but I liked them as a young girl. I know I loved Unforgiven but can't remember now what it was about.
The original Willy Wonka can't be beat. The new one would just ruin it, so good idea not to watch it. Worst remake ever, IMHO.
I used to love the Gilmore Girls.
Most recent was "Kung Fu Panda 2", seen on Sunday.
Oh great...Hulu, another distraction. Thanks, I think. lol
Some good ones in your mix.
Happy T13!
Colleen: Click on the link in my post for a synopsis of Unforgiven. There were times during Pajama Party that I wondered why I was watching it. If I hadn't been working on a craft project at the time, I probably would have just turned the TV off, LOL.
Forgetfulone: Yeah, I've primarily avoided the remake due to who's in it, and because I know it would ruin the original for me. You just can't mess with those cherished childhood memories.
Janice: GG is one of my sister's favorite series. I never watche dit while it was on TV, but have enjoyed catching up on it this year via DVD.
K Taylor: I haven't seen either of the King Fu Panda movies. Hope you enjoyed it!
Adelle: LOL...tell me about it! I have enough distractions some days without adding Hulu or other internet TV/movie sites to the mix.
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