Monday, July 25, 2011

Teaser Tuesday 94: Destined for an Early Grave

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

* Grab your current book or recent read.
* Share a few “teaser” sentences from somewhere in the book.
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away. You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title and author so that other participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser!

I have a two-for-one this week. I've been on a mini Jeaniene Frost read-a-thon, catching up on books of hers borrowed from a friend. I finished Destined For An Early Grave (book four) and am now a little ways into This Side of the Grave (book five). Never a dull moment or bit of rest for Cat and Bones. These are fun, fast-paced paranormal romances with a kick-ass heroine. Can't wait for the next book out in August!

The building hit me in the face so hard I felt my cheek fracture. And then the gunfire registered.
(pg 22)

Later that night, I'd just fallen asleep when the bed shifted. My eyes opened in alarm, then a finger pressed to my lips.
(pg 203)

His legs flashed out, knocking me off-balance. I sprang forward at once, but a hard, cool body flattened me to the cave floor in the next instant. An iron grip closed around my wrist, preventing me from raising the knife.
(pg 3)

Click on either cover for a description of the book.


Shelley Munro said...

She seems to get herself in a lot of trouble! Good teasers.

Heather said...

Yes, she does. And without even looking for it. *g*

Kathy Martin said...

I do love this series! Great teasers. My teasers are from The Vampire Stalker by Alison Van Diepen and Breaking Point by Pamela Clare. Happy reading!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Very exciting teasers! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

PeaceLove&Pat said...

I love this series, but the last one, I have stopped and set it aside, I forgot why :( Maybe I'll pick it up again soon.

Here's my TT:

Heather said...

Kathy: Isn't it a great series? *g*

Laurel-Rain: Thank you, I'm glad you liked!

Kyanara_BJD said...

Great teasers!
This series is high on my wishlist.
thnx for stopping by my blog.

Frances said...

Great teasers! I love Ms Frost. New follower.
Mine is at:

Heather said...

Pat: Hope you set it aside because you were busy, not because of the story itself--and that you pick it up again soon!

Kyanara: Time to move the series even higher! Seriously, I think you'd like this one. ;)

Heather said...

Thanks, Cristina -- and thanks for following!

Jenny Q said...

Great teasers! Frost is high on my list of authors to try!

Alice Audrey said...

I take it from the second quote that the narrator survives the gunshots. That's a great descriptive passage.

Heather said...

Jenny Q: Hope you try her soon. Frost is a new-to-me author discovered this year. I love her writing style!

Alice: Well, of course she does, silly human. Otherwise the book would have been over at page 22. *vbg*

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Fabulous teasers!! Read these and I can actually remember what was happening in each!! Love Jeaniene's books!

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Happy Reading!

Have a GREAT day!

jlshall said...

Excellent teasers! But who knew that paranormal romance could be so violent? Hope she survives all that mayhem.

Sally said...

Ooooh great teasers. Love this series.

Obsession with Books said...

Greatteasers! I love this series..

My TT,

Have a nice week..

Heather said...

Jessica: There are some pretty memorable scenes in this series, aren't there? *g*

Joy: There are some violent scenes in the series, but there are also some pretty fun ones, too, depending on the characters involved.

Sally and Sharon: Thanks, it's fun sharing series with others who have read them. *vbg*