Saturday, August 27, 2011

Random Photo: Tia

For some reason, Tia (the boss's min pin) is afraid of the camera. She runs whenever she sees it pointed at her. So I had to be a bit sneaky and shoot this one facing away from her and under my arm. Hehe...


Alice Audrey said...

My mother calls those "hip shots." You pulled off a good one.

Jana said...

LOL Love that you had to use stealthy maneuvres to capture that shot.

Libby has gotten to where she either hides under the table or tackles me when I point my camera at her. Poor little overphotographed pup. lol

Heather said...

Alice: Thanks!

Jana: Do you think it has something to do with the flash? Maybe they remember the bright light and it hurts their eyes?

Jana said...

Possibly. I think Libby does it just to annoy me, though. She's mean like that. ;-)