Thursday, November 24, 2011


Although this is from his holiday album, I feel this song appropriate for today. May you have much for which you are thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Written by David Foster, Richard Page, Carole Bayer Sager
Sung by Josh Groban

Some days we forget
To look around us
Some days we can't see
The joy that surrounds us
So caught up inside ourselves
We take when we should give.

So for tonight we pray for
What we know can be.
And on this day we hope for
What we still can't see.
It's up to us to be the change
And even though we all can still do more
There's so much to be thankful for.

(Read the rest of the lyrics)


i beati said...

I love that poem !!!!sk

CountryDew said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Lovely poem.

Heather said...

Thanks, I'm glad you both liked the song.