Monday, December 05, 2011

Teaser Tuesday 109: Christmas in Calico

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

* Grab your current book or recent read.
* Share a few “teaser” sentences from somewhere in the book.
* BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away. You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
* Share the title and author so that other participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teaser!

This is another plucked from the depths of Mount TBR. I am about halfway through this historical Christmas novel by Jack Curtis. Not bad so far!

When Rose Cameron glanced down at her bundled-up son and saw his pallid face and vague eyes, she wanted to whip up the team and race into town at a full gallop, but the rutted wagon tracks bounced the buckboard brutally even at a single trot, and she forced herself to keep the team checked to its steady pace.

She thought of the ranch and the hardship in holding it together; yet it had wrenched her spirit to have to leave it.

But why, she wondered, am I always being torn by hard choices? (pg 28)


Distinguished writer Jack Curtis winningly combines suspense and a timeless holiday message with the best Western literary tradition in this dramatic novel. Heavy with child, Rose Cameron and her delicate son, Tommy, have tried to carry on her late husband's dream of a successful horse ranch despite a long drought, a thieving hired hand, and neighbors who want her land. But the hardest ordeal of all happens during Christmas, when a winter-kill blizzard sweeps the Nevada prairie, forcing Rose and Tommy to seek refuge in the poor town of Calico, where they must depend on the kindness of desperate strangers—and one mysterious lone rider—to survive and restore their lives.


Anonymous said...

Really like the last line... now I want to know what her challenges are. Nice teaser, and thanks for visiting mine:)

Melissa Wiebe said...

the last line is very intriguing.

Here is mine:

Unknown said...

Unique teaser!

Check out my teaser!

Heather said...

Tania: Thank you, I was hoping that was a good place to stop. Sadly, poor Rose has troubles a-plenty.

Melissa: Glad I've intrigued you with that last line.

Jennifer: Thank you, and thanks you for visiting!

Shelley Munro said...

That's good writing and a very good hook at the end. We know she has a sick son, but it's obvious she has other problems as well.

Beth said...

It sounds like an intense read! Here is my teaser for this week.

Anonymous said...

Excellent teaser!
Here’s my Teaser Tuesday post. :)

Unknown said...

Aw! Fab teaser :-)

Here's mine:


Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I can feel her pain with this teaser. Now I want to read it! Thanks for sharing.

Here's MY TT POST and

Heather said...

Shelley: Some of the hooks at chapter breaks and end of chapters are even better. This is the first book I've read by Jack Curtis, and I would not be averse to reading him again.

Beth: It was a pretty good book. I stayed up late finishing it last night. Ugh!

DDG: Thank you!

TToria: Thank you, and thanks for stopping by.

Heather said...

Amy: I know what you mean about overflowing TBR piles. I have an entire shelf just of Christmas-themed books amassed over the years, and seem to add a couple more every year.

Laurel-Rain: Glad to have interested you in this book!

Anonymous said...

An interesting teaser, makes you want to know more.

Heather said...

TBMama: It does, doesn't it? *g* Thanks for popping by!

JLS Hall said...

Good teaser! I've heard of Jack Curtis, but haven't read anything by him. This book sounds like a good one to start with.

TT: The Sense of an Ending

Alice Audrey said...

Nevada has a prairie? Oh.

Jenny Q said...

ooohh, this sounds good! Thanks for visiting my teaser :)

Heather said...

Joy: Apparently he is well-known for his westerns and short stories, but this is the first book I have read by him. Not a bad introduction!

Alice: LOL...apparently the state is not all desert. Who knew, right? *g*

JennyQ: It was pretty good, and a fast read, too.

kayerj said...

it seems hard choices always tear something in us. nice teaser.

Jan said...

Oh this one sounds really good, will have to add this to my wishlist!