Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wordless Wednesday 31: O Christmas Tree


Dazediva said...

Such a pretty tree :)
Wish I had one at home too .. miss putting pressies under the tree

kayerj said...

I love your tree.

Ingrid said...

Love the angel on the top ! Your tree is very pretty !

Lea's Menagerie said...

Beautiful tree - I love hand-made ornaments!

Heather said...

Dazediva: Thank you. Some day I may have a large one again, but for now this little 3-footer suits my apartment.

Kaye: Thank you!

Gattina: Thanks - the angel is one of only two items on my tree not handmade.

Lea: Thank you - all but one ornament are handmade. The flocked Santa that isn't handmade is there for sentimental reasons. He is my oldest, and the only one from my grandmother.

CountryDew said...

How lovely. I love the decorations.

Heather said...

Thanks, Anita!