* All but the two books by Kate Collins were read last year. Total books read in 2011: 105, which exceeds my goal by five, and is one better than the previous year. I had hoped to get a couple more read during December, but those darn holidays kept interfering.
* Since catching up on favorite authors/series is one of my 2012 reading goals, I was happy to see that Kate Collins is the Featured Author of the month for the Cozy Mysteries group at GoodReads. I read the first four books in her "Flower Shop Mystery" series previously, had five on the TBR shelf, and there are three more books I don't yet have. What better way to start off the new year, and a new reading challenge, than by tackling one of those reading goals?
* Deanna Raybourn and Janet Evanovich were recommended to me by friends. Of the two series, I think I am most likely to continue with Raybourn's "Lady Julia Grey."
* The Winter Widow and The Christmas Thief enabled me to cross two more states (Kansas and Vermont) off the "Read the USA" mystery challenge list. Only twenty more books to go...
I'm glad you're enjoying the Lady Julia Grey series. I really like it.
Thanks, Shelley! I haven't gotten hold of the rest of the series yet, but that in part is due to my being peeved that the publisher switched format from mass market to trade size paperback (ie: more expensive). Will catch up eventually, though!
I know the old saying about judging a book by its cover, but I admit I'm intrigued by the Collins artwork. I'll have to look into those.
I also liked your post because I thought that I was the only one on earth who, after reading One for the Money, didn't want to continue reading Stephanie Plum.
I love that you're a reader. I am too, but I wouldn't say I could finish 100 books in a year--that's impressive.
Currently, I'm reading, The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. I just finished Explosive Eighteen by Janet Evanovich.
Do you read for a living? Which was your favorite? Just got my 13 up, although the year review could double for that with 12 months and one introduction.
I've been meaning to read Toni Blake for a while now. What did you think?
Gal: The Kate Collins books are fun cozy mysteries. There are about a dozen books out in the series so far. I have read through book 7, and have two more in the TBR pile to read.
As for Evanovich... A friend of mien has the entire series, so I may borrow the next couple in the series at some point, but am not feeling compelled to do so any time soon. There is a real possibility of being dragged to the movie opening next week, too.
Wonderful list of books!
Have a great day!
Brenda: I have always been a reader, and the last two years read just over 100 books. There was actually one year in the 90s when I read more than 200. Of course, that was before I had a computer.
Both The Historian and The Swan are on my list of books to look for. I've heard rave reviews about them.
Colleen: Ha! I wish I got paid to read. I've always been a reader, always will be, though there never seems to be enough time to read all the ones I want. Of the thirteen books mentioned here, I think my favorites were the Deanna Raybourns, recommended by Shelley.
Alice: I may be a bit biased, seeing as she is a friend (not to mention that I am mentioned in the dedication of one book), but I love Toni's books, and am enjoying her "Destiny" series. I received the latest, Holly Lane, for Christmas, and hope to get to it soon.
Toni has also written for EC and NAL as Lacey Alexander, and I have enjoyed a few of those books, too.
Thanks, Harriet! They were all pretty much enjoyable.
Wow, 100 books is impressive. I usually only manage about 60, and then wouldn't do that if I didn't count audio books, too.
I suggest you try another Evanovich book before you give up on her. You might jump all the way to six and try that one, unless you don't like to skip around like that. She's kind of hit or miss, with some good and some not so good, but some of the later ones are better than the first one (and some aren't, alas).
I've only read one of these, but I would like to read the Mary Higgins Clark book. I've read the whole Stephanie Plum series. I hope you won't stop at one. They're great!
Anita: I've tried audio books, but I just can't listen to them. I start to zone out and miss what is said, or fall asleep. Much better if I actually "read" the book. ;-)
Anita and Forgetfulone: As mentioned to Gal Herself, I will probably pick up books two and three eventually, just not feeling compelled to do so any time soon. Too many other books at top of the TBR pile right now!
Well, then, she will have to stay on my wish list.
Alice: Hope you pick up one of Tony's books soon! ;-)
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