* The Wendy Roberts "Ghost Dusters" series has been on my TBR shelf a year or two, and I'm glad I finally got round to them. If nothing else, the heroine has a unique occupation. I just wish there were more in the series!
* Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte was a March group read for TNBBC at GoodReads. Greatly enjoyed this one, and it has me interested in reading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall now.
* A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott is not the type of story usually attributed to her, but that of a stalker and the young girl who becomes the object of his obsession. Different from what one expects of Alcott, but good.
* Lawful Engagement is one started several years back and misplaced while moving stuff around—which is quite unusual for Miss Organization that I am. It was book three of a trilogy, so glad I finally finished it.
* Collins and Alt: More catch-up on series by favorite authors. Dirty Rotten Tendrils is book ten in the "Flower Shop" mystery series by Collins. The three by Alt are books 4-6 of her "Bewitching" series. Only two more to catch up on in both series!
* Ellery Adams: Books one and two of the "Books by the Bay" series. Now to get my hands on book three, which only recently hit shelves.
* I Love bad Boys by Lori Foster et al was read for a GR group mini-challenge, to read the 29th book on our TBR shelf. As it turns out, I had actually read the first novella and started the second but never finished. And, though I love Miss Foster's books, I liked the other two stories in this anthology better.
Your turn: What are you reading these days?
Find more Thursday Thirteen participants here.
When I finally have time to do more than get by, I should read instead of playing games. Not that I could catch up with you even then.
You must be a speed reader! I had never heard of any of Louisa May Alcott's book other than Little Woman. No time to read anything other than magazines, anthologies of online news these days.
Alice: Believe me, there are some nights I get sucked into endless rounds of Spider. I try to spend more weekend free time with a book instead of watching TV, too. It helps not having cable.
Colleen: Not that fast a reader, though I have been averaging about two books a week. Well, most weeks. There are some books that demand more time, no matter how good they are.
According to notes in Fatal Love Chase, Alcott apparently wrote a lot of short stories and novel-length stories for magazines or on demand for publishers. This one was written on request over two months for a "Boston publisher of pulp fiction," but the publisher turned it down, citing it as "too sensational."
It was put away, and after her death was mislabeled as a draft of another story. It was not unearthed again until 1993 and published by Dell in 1995.
I'm reading a local author book at the moment, called Forty Thorns. It's a memoir about her Turkish mother in law.
I envy your reading speed!
Hi Anita! I have a local author planned next, Twin Killing by Marshall Cook. It is book three of a series. Hoping to start that one Friday!
I have never read anything by Louisa May Alcott except, of course, Little Women. Thanks for broadening my horizons!
Great, a couple more I need to add to my astronimical number of books in my TBR pile. :D
My TT: http://blog.jayceedelorenzo.com/2012/03/thursday-thirteen-even-more-strange-but.html#comment-form
Some of those sound fun!
My TT is at http://paigetylertheauthor.blogspot.com
You rock! Congratulations and thank you for sharing.
The Food Temptress
I have Killer Plot sitting on the pile beside my bed :)
I love to read! That last one sounds really cute.
That is really fast! I marvel at your reading speed. Would like to read LM Alcott's book on your list.
my goodness anonymous. it's me - Hazel from T13. (computer's acting up)
Gal Herself: I don't think I'd read anything by Alcott besides Little Women prior to this.
Jacee: Hehe...always happy to help someone increase their TBR pile. ; )
Rekaya: LOL...thank you!
Shelley: Cool! I hope you enjoy it!
Forgetfulone: Obviously, I love to read, too. LOL The stories in the last one were pretty fun. It's an older book, but still available through some libraries and book sellers.
Forgetfulone: Obviously, I love to read, too. LOL The stories in the last one were pretty fun. It's an older book, but still available through some libraries and book sellers.
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