Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thursday Thirteen 268: Holiday Fantasy in Lights

Sunday evening, a friend and I were returning home from running errands when we decided on a short detour through Madison's Holiday Fantasy in Lights display. It is a drive-thru event free to the pubic and open from Nov 9 until New Year's Day at Olin-Turville Park. Here are a few photos of the many lights on display.

Sorry this one looks a bit fuzzy--those animated ones can be tricky to photograph.

They were doing maintenance on the rocking horse.

This one is sponsored by Buffalo Wild Wings.

On Wisconsin!

Another animated that was tricky to get...


Alice Audrey said...

Ice fishing and Bucky. Takes me back.

Shannon W. said...

I need to drive over to Madison to see those lights! The lights here in La Crosse are beautiful also.

Happy Thursday!

Heather said...

Alice: LOL...they usually have Packers and Badger football helmets, too, but I don't remember seeing them this year. Will have to ask my friend...

Heather said...

Shannon: You might want to wait until after the blizzard. I can't believe how much snow we're supposed to get here. I wish there had been some on the ground Sunday when we drove through the lights display. It's sickening how green the grass is right now! :D

Anonymous said...

Those are so cool! I especially love the candle and fishing ones. Happy Thursday!

Kimberly Menozzi said...

Awww... I miss those sorts of displays! They do put up lights here, but nothing like back home!

Happy TT!

sandyland said...

thank you for such a lovely post

CountryDew said...

You did great with these pictures. Lights are tough to photograph; I can't do it without a tripod! Nice job.

Ron. said...

This was only lightly entertaining...(heh heh heh)

Rekaya Gibson said...

You have made my morning bright. Thank you for sharing.

The Food Temptress

Pearl said...

small world. I was there last year. they're hard to photograph.

Heather said...

Stephanie: Ice fishing Santa hs long been a favorite of mine at this event. There's also a Santa outside an outhouse, but I was at a bad angle to get that one.

Heather said...

Kimberly: Glad I could bring a bit of "back home" to your day. No one does Christmas lights quite like they do in the States, eh? ;D

Heather said...

Sandyland: You're welcome, I'm glad you liked!

Heather said...

Anita: Thank you. I was photographing these from inside the car (there was a steady stream of cars that night which made it unsafe to exit one's vehicle), so my arm was resting against the car door for most of these. I think that helped quite a bit.

Heather said...

Ron.: = = G R O A N = =

Heather said...

Rekaya: Glad to have brightened your morning! :)

Heather said...

Pearl: Friends and I try to get over there at least once during the season, since we live fairly close, but never seemed to have time last year. I never seem to make it to Olbrich's Holiday Express, either. :-\

I am Harriet said...

It's kinda crazy but, there are hardly any lights up around here.

Have a great rest of your day!

Paige Tyler said...

So cool! Love Christmas lights!


My TT is at

The Modest Momma said...

What a great idea for TT. Thanks for the awesome show. Hope you had a great Thursday!

Heather said...

Thanks, Paige! *g*

Modest Mama: Thank you. My Thursday was...interesting, but not too bad, considering the blizzard.

The Gal Herself said...

Seeing Bucky in lights made me smile. Thanks!

Heather said...

Gal Herself: Bucky is one of my favorites, too! :)