Thursday, January 31, 2013

Skywatch Friday 21

Photos taken during a walk in a snowstorm Wednesday afternoon, January 30, 2013.

To see more photos from Wednesday's storm, see this week's Thursday Thirteen post.

And for more Skywatch Friday participants, click here.


MarieElizabeth said...

Gorgeous! I know it makes life a little more challenging to get around, but I love storms like this.

Meoww said...

This winter is my first experience with snow. This is a glorious shot!

Alice Audrey said...

It's a day filled with flocking.

Steffi said...

Very beautiful winter photos for SWF,Heather!
Thank you for sharing and have a nice weekend!

Heather said...

MarieElizabeth: A major storm can definitely be an inconvenience, but also exhilerating--provided you don't have to be anywhere, as was the case yesterday. I'm glad I forced myself out of the house for an hour, and that I went as early in the afternoon as I did, as the temp got much colder later in the day.

Heather said...

Meoww: I hope you are enjoying your first winter with snow. It's always fun for us natives to see peoples' initial reactions...and what they think of it three months later, LOL.

Heather said...

Alice: Indeed! And, since the weather turned so cold following the snow, the trees will be flocked a few days more.

Heather said...

Thanks, Steffi -- I hope you enjoy the weekend as well!

Liz said...

Pretty winter Happy sky watching.

My sky.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

burrr... beautiful winter photos!

Kimberly Menozzi said...

I was sure I'd commented before - I don't know what happened to it! :(

Anyway, thanks for sharing these pics - I sure miss snow like this!

Heather said...

Liz: Thank you.

Heather said...

Spare Parts: That's certainly one word to describe it! Temp here at 10am this morning is -5F with a windchill (feels like) of -16. *shivers*

Heather said...

Kimberly: LOL...are you sure you aren't thinking of Thursday's snow pics? *g*

Lea said...

Snow is beautiful, especially if you can take a "snow day" and only get out in it if you want to! Beautiful snow photos on your previous post, too! We have had only a very light snow so far this winter. Today February 1 is, I think, the coldest day we have had all winter. It was 24 this morning, and is just now (mid-afternoon) getting above freezing. I cannot imagine the temperatures you have there.
Thanks for your visit and comment on my blog.
Lea's Menagerie

Heather said...

Thanks, Lea:. I can't wait for the temp to rise above 20 again. 30s would be even better, lol.

Alice Audrey said...

Just gives you more time to take cool pictures.

Heather said...

Alice: Um, right. I'm not taking another walk like last week until it's at least above freezing...maybe not until it reaches 40, lol.