Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wordless Wednesday 81: Roses in Winter

"Memory is the Power to Gather Roses in Winter."

With snow falling here today -- 6 to 10 inches possible -- it seemed appropriate to delve into the summer photo archives, where I found these peonies and roses . . .


Anonymous said...

Beautiful roses!

Heather said...

Thank you!

betty-NZ said...

The good news about living in the southern hemisphere is that it IS summer now....the bad news is that your summer is my winter. Your flowers are the prefect thing for your winter.

Heather said...

Thanks, Betty! At least your winters are not as frigid as ours -- though I wouldn't want a summer as hot as yours, either.

OneDay/LadyJC said...

Beautiful! They make me miss Spring and Summer soooo much. But, it's just around the corner! Have a wonderful WW!

NatureFootstep said...

my favourite photo is the red one not yet open.

Heather said...

LadyJC: Thank you. Spring certainly doesn't seem all that close today. I had a snow day, so went for a 3-mile walk with my camera. Now I feel like I could use a nap, lol.

Heather said...

NatureFootstep: Thanks. I think what I like best about that one is how the flower in the forground is crisp, while all the foliage around it is blurred. No idea how I did that. *g*

Angela said...

Heather, I love flowers and peonies are my favorites! You take beautiful photos!

kayerj said...

How refreshing

Kimberly Menozzi said...

Very pretty - I especially liked the red bud. So much promise! :D

Jana said...

Gorgeous! :) Makes me long for spring.

Heather said...

Thanks, Angela. I couldn't resist these peonies and roses that were planted together.

Heather said...

Thanks, Kelley! : )

Heather said...

Kimberly: Thank you. I confess, the pink rosebud and top and bottom peonies are my peraonle favorites. *g*

Heather said...

Jana: Won't be too much longer now...only about six weeks according to the calendar...maybe longer depending on what the Groundhog says on Saturday. *VBG*

Alice Audrey said...

Yeah, Winter is a great time to delve into archives. It's such a colorless time of year.

Heather said...

Alice: Indeed it is. Might have to do more of that in the coming weeks. You know--until I can get out on a more regular basis.