Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thursday Thirteen 276: Random Q&A

The following questions are taken from a recent posting at Sunday Stealing.

1: Do you notice a person’s eye color? Sometimes, though not usually the first thing I notice about a person.

2: White, milk, or dark chocolate mocha? Mocha? Who ruins delicious dark chocolate with mocha? That's just WRONG!

3: If you could get a tattoo free, would you do it? What would it be? No, definitely not. Have never cared for tattoos, do not ever plan on getting one.

4: Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did you like it? Uh-huh. I was born in a mid-sized city. My family then spent several years in a series of small towns before returning to the city where I was born and still live. Each has their advantages and disadvantages, and I could survive in either.

5: Your favorite adult as a child (not your parents)? That was usually a teacher or librarian, though what child doesn't have a favorite aunt or uncle?

6: What kind of smoothie sounds really good right now? Strawberry mango. I'm wishing it wasn't too late (or cold!) for a run to Culver's.

7: Have you ever fired anyone? Thankfully, no.

8: Have you ever climbed a tree more than twenty feet off the ground? It’s possible. My sisters and I used to climb some pretty tall trees when we were kids, but who has a sense of height at that age?

9: Did you like swinging as a child? Do you still get excited when you see a swing set? Yes, I loved swinging when we were kids, and I still enjoy the swings once in a while as an adult. I would love to have a patio or balcony with enough room for a porch swing.

10: If you could have any pet in the world, illegal or not, what would you get? A cat—which my current lease does not allow.

11: What's your favorite place to relax? My bedroom.

12: What's your most favorite part of your personality? I am a good listener (of course, the down side of that is that it often feels like there isn’t anyone to listen to me when I need to talk or vent).

13: Madonna or Lady Gaga? Neither? Both? Who cares? If I had to listen to one or the other, I would choose Madonna. I honestly cannot stand Lady Gaga.


Alice Audrey said...

Now and then I think about tattoos. Then I think about stretching and sagging, and that's the end of it.

sandyland said...

I did this and loved doing it

anthonynorth said...

Some great questions. I had a tattoo in my youth. It was a shark, but now it seems to have turned into a crinkly little fish.

Shelley Munro said...

What Alice said about the tattoos. Eyes are something that authors write about a lot, but they're not the first thing I notice.

Ron. said...

Cool questions, interesting replies.

Hazel said...

I never cared for tattoos either, and I heard horror stories about it so there. It's been awhile since I played SS. Seeing this post makes me think of playing again.

Mia Celeste said...

Interesting questions. I wanted to get a tattoo once. At the time, it would have been really meaningful, but I never did. Now, I don't know...I guess the moment's passed.

Anyway, thanks for sharing. I'm going to check out Sunday Stealing. :)

Kimberly Menozzi said...

I'm glad to see someone like me when it comes to tattoos. I'm just not a fan. It doesn't bother me if other people have them, but I just don't fancy the idea of getting one.

Happy TT!

CountryDew said...

Love your answers, they are similiar to mine. I enjoy these memes but notice they are not the best-read items in my blog.

Readers and writers love their teachers and librarians.

colleen said...

I agree on lots of these. Love to relax in my bedroom, don't like Lady Ga Ga or tattoos.m

Heather said...

Alice: Two excellent points against tattoos! lol

Heather said...

Sandyland: These memes can certainly be fun (especially when you can pick and choose which Q's you want to answer, lol).

Heather said...

Anthony: ROFL - which just goes to reinforce Alice's point about stretching and sagging. *G*

Heather said...

Shelley: Thank you. I have noticed that about authors and eyes. Unless they're are really vivid or strong feature in the individual, they aren't the first thing I notice.

Heather said...

Thanks, Ron!

Heather said...

Hazel: It's nice to know others feel the same way I do about tattoos, and am glad to remind you about Sunday Stealing. *g*

Heather said...

Mia Celeste: Your comment brings to mind the words from a Jimmy Buffett song:

Permanent reminder of a temporary feeling
Amnesic episodes that never go away.
It's no complex memento, it's no subtle revealing.
Just a permanent reminder of a temporary feeling.

Heather said...

Kimberly: Yeah, someone else not a fan of tattoos. I find them a complete turnoff.

Heather said...

Anita: I noticed some of our answers were similar--our feeling towards swings being one of the big differences, LOL. Readers and writers certainly do appreciate their teachers, and with good reason. *G*

Heather said...

Colleen: Ah, someone else of like mind concerning tattoos and Lady Gaga. Gotta love it! : )

The Islander said...

Love lists like do get to know another person by reading their least a little.

I do wonder what all the tattoos will look like when the owners are 90 and all wrinkly and saggy. Ugh!!

Heather said...

Thanks, Islander! And again--excellent point about tattoos.

Jana said...

WHAT IS WRONG WITH MOCHA?????? asks the girl who regularly indulges in either caramel mocha or white chocolate mocha lattes. ;-)

As for tattos...I like the idea of having one but not so much on actually having a tiny needle repeatedly stab me in order to get one.

Heather said...

Jana: What is RIGHT about mocha? As you know, not a fan of anything remotely coffee flavored. *g*

Jana said...

Ugh. I can't even...


Heather said...

Jana: What, dementia already? At your age? :D