Thursday, April 04, 2013

Thursday Thirteen 282: Hitchcock movies

Today's topic was inspired by this week's episode of Castle (The Lives of Others), which was a take on the classic Alfred Hitchcock movie, Rear Window. It was, in my opinion, one of the best episodes ever. Fans of the movie seem to agree. Seeing this episode made me want to watch Rear Window again, except . . . when I went to the video cabinet to pull it out

I couldn't find it!

In fact, I could not find any Hitchcock videos in my collection save one, and the ones on that tape aren't two of my favorites. I recorded about a dozen films off TCM during a Hitchcock film festival several years ago (back when I had cable), and these are not movies I would have taped overwhich makes their disappearance rather perplexing. So, here are thirteen Hitchcock movies I should have on tape but cannot find.

1. Rear Window (1954; James Stewart, Grace Kelly)
2. North by Northwest (1959; Cary Grant, Eve Marie Saint)
3. Vertigo (1958; James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Bel Geddes)
4. To Catch a Thief (1955; Cary Grant, Grace Kelly)
5. Strangers on a Train (1951; Farley Granger, Robert Walker)
6. Rope (1948; James Stewart, Farley Granger, John Dall)
7. Notorious (1946; Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Claud Rains)
8. Shadow of a Doubt (1943; Teresa Wright, Joseph Cotten, MacDonald Carey)
9. The Lady Vanishes (1938; Margaret Lockwood, Michael Redgrave, Paul Lukas)
10. The 39 Steps (1935; Robert Donat, Madeleine Carroll, Lucie Mannheim)  
11. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1958; James Stewart, Doris Day)

And the only three I do seem to have:

12. Spellbound (1945; Ingird Bergman, Gregory Peck)
13. Marnie (1964; Tippi Hedron, Sean Connery)

14. Suspicion (1941; Cary Grant; Joan Fontaine) 

If you are a Hitchcock aficionado, you probably noticed I left two very big ones off the list, Psycho and The Birds. Yeah. Not a fan of those, so please spare me the lecture. Now to search out a good collection or two I might be able to afford . . .

Linking to: Thursday Thirteen


Jana said...

Don't shoot me, but I'm not a Hitchcock fan. *ducks*

Hope your missing videos. :-/

Jana said...

I meant to say, "Hope your missing videos turn up." *sigh* Apparently I'm so frazzled I can finish typing my thoughts.

Jana said...

*Can't* finish typing. Sheesh! I should probably just delete those other comments and start over. LOL

Heather said...

Jana: ROFLMBO... Are we experiencing technical difficulties today? *WEG*

(And that's what you get for hatin' on Hitchcock!)

Vanessa Victoria Kilmer said...

I'm not a big Hitchcock fan but I do love Castle and thought this episode lots of fun.

I am Harriet said...

I can't even tell you how many times I've seen those movies. Many within the past week thanks to cable :)

Ron. said...

I do NOT have a Hitchcock collection to turn to, and reading your list only whets my appetite and leaves me hanging. Thanks a bunch.

You're right about the Castle episode. Interestingly, My Beloved Sandra seemed to have no recollection of ever having seen Rear Window... imagine.

Jennifer Leeland said...

Surprisingly, though ALL those titles are awesome, I LOVE "Shadow of Doubt".
But here's the sad part. I don't own any of these. *shakes head*
And I should because I love them.

Shelley Munro said...

I've only seen one of these. I'm going to look put for some of them because most of them have actors/actresses I like.

Heather said...

Vanessa: Wasn't it a fun episode? It was fun seeing how the different scenes would parallel or deviate from the movie.

Heather said...

Harriet: Oh, lucky you! TCM is one of few channels I really miss not having cable.

Heather said...

Ron: Hehe...what can I say. And, obviously, I no longer have a collection to turn to, either--something I hope to rectify.

It's funny--while you may have been surprised by Sandra not remembering Rear Window, I was shocked to find out a friend I thought wouldn't know the movie, has actually seen it.

Heather said...

Shelley: Which one have you seen? Some of my favorites are in these, too -- How could you go wrong with Cary Grant, James Stewart, and Ingrid Bergman? I hope you and Mr Munro have fun watching a few!

Heather said...

Jennifer: Yay, another Hitchcock fan--something else we have in common. I had mixed feelings about Shadow of a Doubt the first time I saw it. Likes it, but there were some things about the movie that left me feeling a little...ambivalent, I guess.

Alice Audrey said...

The Girl and I were talking about Rear View Window just a few days ago. Apparently they showed it in school. She's been asking about classic movies. She wants to have the cultural reference of having seen them.

Maybe they're in a box stuck in a closet after the move?

Paige Tyler said...

I think I saw Rear Window, but I'm not sure!


My TT is at

Anonymous said...

OMG...I feel SO out of the loop. Would you believe I've never watched a Hitchcock movie? What the heck is wrong with me? LOL. Great list, Heather! Have a great weekend!

colleen said...

I've loved everyone I've seen. I can't remember which ones those. I'll have to do some research and see if they have them at Netflicks.

Heather said...

Alice: How awesome that The Girl watched Rear Window in class. It's one of my favorite classic films. I'd be happy to recommend others to her.

I have wondered if I missed some in unpacking, but all the other boxes were clearly marked "movies," and these are the only ones I've noticed missing. Will have to check a couple of those I didn't unpack to see if they could be mixed in with something else. Anything is possible, right?

Heather said...

Paige: I think you'd probably remember seeing it if you had. Photographer breaks leg, is laid up in apartment for several weeks, passes time by watching activity in courtyard below and surrounding apartments. One night when he can't sleep he witnesses a murder, sets out to prove it with help of girlfriend and nurse.

The original starred Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly (1954), but there was a remake in 1998 that starred Christopher Reeve adn Daryl Hannah that did not do so well. (Really--how can you compete with a classic?)

Heather said...

Stephanie: GASP! Not a one? What is wrong with you? LOL Hope you have a good weekend, too!

Heather said...

Colleen: I don't have Netflix, but I should think they would have movies by Alfred Hitchcock. You'll have to look and see what's available!

Alice Audrey said...

It could happen. Especially if you didn't want to pack them until the last minute because you might want to watch them again.

Heather said...

True. Will definitely have to look around when I get the chance.