Thursday, August 15, 2013

Skywatch Friday 38

LINKING TO: Skywatch Friday


Kusum said...

Lovely sky!

Maude Lynn said...

Pretty sky shot!

Heather said...

Thank you, Kusum Sanu and Mama Zen -- the day was as lovely as that sky was. :)

Laura said...

How lovely!

Linnea said...

What a great view you've provided us! Love the wispy clouds in the sky and the grass moving in the wind!

Heather said...

Laura: Thank you! ☺

Linnea: Thanks -- no secret as to why I felt compelled to take this photo, is there? :)

Jana said...

I feel as though I'm lying on the cool open prairie staring up into the afternoon sky like I've got nowhere else in the world to be.

I need to enlarge and tape this photo to the ceiling over my cubical at work. Then when a certain someone who shall remain nameless (but, Trix, you know who I'm talking about) spills her cool-aid all over MY cool-aid I can just gaze up at that gorgeous sky and be all, "Gee, what a beautiful day" instead of, like, slugging the crap out of that certain someone.

Thanks for the escapist (and violence reducing) photo, my friend. You just saved me from some serious jail time. :-D

Heather said...

Jana: Omigosh...I am ROFL over your comment, but I'm glad this photo made your day as much as your comment made mine. (Oh, and if you like this one, wait until you see the one with the Queen Anne' week. *G*)

forgetmenot said...

Nothing like a beautiful blue sky with those great puffy, white clouds. Very nice. Mickie ;)