Saturday, November 30, 2013

Random Photo: The Boy

A friend's son . . . Honestly, I don't know how he can sleep
in some of the positions he does. He nearly fell off the
couch twice while friend and I were talking.


Jana said...

Guys are weird like that. LOL

Heather said...

I wish I could have gotten pics of him yesterday, when he fell asleep sitting up, but I was at the wrong angle to get that one. Seriously, I wish I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat anytime, anywhere.

Alice Audrey said...

He looks a bit like my The Boy. Only mine is a bit thinner and has a Mohawk.

Heather said...

Alice: I sincerely hope Zach never decides on a mohawk. He's worn his close-cropped for years now, even before he went into the army (did I tell you he was recently medically discharged?).

Jana said...

My brothers-in-law are "at the drop of a hat" sleepers. We have countless photos of each of them at various holiday/family gatherings sound asleep sitting up with kids running and screaming all around them. :-D

Heather said...

My dad was like that, too. He once slept through a gas explosion that woke up everyone else on the block. Didn't hear that or the firetrucks.