Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thursday Thirteen 311: The Thanksgiving Edition

I'm borrowing from Sunday Stealing this week, since it is appropriate to the day. I'm not sure how much time (if any) I will get online today, but will try to visit people when I can. For all those celebrating today, have a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving, and GO PACKERS!

1. What do you have for breakfast on Thanksgiving? Usually a coffee cake, donuts or cinnamon rolls.

2. Do you go to a Thanksgiving parade or watch one on TV? Sometimes watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

3. Do you serve appetizers, lunch, or snacks during the day? Nope, not even when the Packers are playing.

4. What are the traditional favorites? Turkey, Mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, and stuffing.

5. What new recipes will you try this year? None. You don't mess with what works. *G*

6. Who gets to carve the turkey? It varies. Growing up it was always Dad. At my sister’s, it's was usually her. At a friend’s house, it’s always her brother.

7. Family style around the table or buffet style and everyone sits wherever there’s room? Around the table. The only time we've ever done buffet style were the two years my BIL, sister, mom and I met his grandmother at a restaurant for dinner.

8. How many will be at your table this year? Seven.

9. Once you're at the table, do you say grace or a toast, or does everyone go around and say what they're thankful for? None of the above.

10. Cranberry sauce -- yay or nay? NAY. I hate cranberries, and anything cranberry flavored. In fact, there will be none on our table today.

11. Three best pies for Thanksgiving dessert? Pumpkin, Banana Cream, apple

12. Do you have dessert right after the main meal or later on? In MY family we always waited an hour or so, after the table was cleared, dishes done and most of the food was put away -- plus, it gives dinner time to digest. When I eat with a friend’s family it’s always right after dinner, so I usually decline until later.

13. Favorite leftover? Turkey! And sweet potatoes -- love sweet potatoes. This was the one downside of the couple years we ate out--no leftovers.

LINKING TO: Thursday Thirteen


Ron. said...

I should leave a comment, but I won't. Anyone who disdains cranberries is, well, uncommentable upon.


CountryDew said...

I would love to have Thanksgiving out. I figure it will happen soon enough (when I am too old to cook!). Have a great day!

sandyland said...

seems everyone differs on pies my mom made mince

Pearl said...

happy Thanksgiving.

Alice Audrey said...

We have seven at our table this year too. We don't do the football thing *running away from rotten tomatoes* so we eat around 5pm.

Colleen@Looseleafnotes said...

I roasted brussel sprouts for the first time this year. Happily I only cook one or two dishes and we share a meal at our neighbor's farm. I love my friends mock mince pie the best.

Anonymous said...

Great answers, Heather. I don't like cranberry sauce either. YUCK! Everyone else in my family loves it though. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

Heather said...

Ron.: Hey, just because we're the top producer of cranberries in the US doesn't mean I have to like them. There are plenty of other fruits I'd rather eat.

Heather said...

Anita: Eating out on Thanksgiving is definitely a different experience. While there's no prep or clean-up after, it also means no leftovers for turkey soup or sandwiches. Of course, there were a lot more dessert options, too. ;-)

Heather said...

Sandie: My dad was the only person I ever knew who liked mince meat pies. Apparently my paternal grandmother made them every year when he was growing up.

Heather said...

Thanks, Pearl!

Heather said...

Alice: We actually eat whenever the turkey is done, which is usually between 2 and 3pm. I heard more of the game than saw it, which is not a bad thing considering how horrible the defense played. They keep giving away our leads! :(

Heather said...

Colleen: I like Brussels sprouts, but have never roasted them. And, thankfully, no one did all of the cooking. We all have certain dishes for which we are responsible. I make the candied sweet potatoes and banana cream pie.

Heather said...

Stephanie: Yay, someone else who doesn't like cranberry. (See Ron, it's not just me!) I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, too. :)

Alice Audrey said...


Oh, I know the difference. We don't bother to get the bird in the oven until around lunch time. We all unanimously boycotted getting up early one year.

Heather said...

We've never had difficulty getting up early, at least on Thanksgiving, though we have had our mishaps. Two years ago we got almost no sleep as we completely forgot about making sure the turkey was thawed until about 10pm Wednesday. Which meant someone had to change the water every half hour all night long.

Then last year, we no sooner went to bed when the power went out, without explanation. It wasn't storming, so best we can figire is that it was a grid malfunction. At least we were still awake to call the power company and report it. Otherwise who knows when it would have come back on -- probably a lot more than the hour it was actually out. :-|

Hazel said...

I love leftovers! We don't have Thanksgiving in our side of the pond but when we have family dinner, we try not to let the great uncle say grace; it's too long. We're a crazy bunch :-)


Heather said...

Hazel: Yeah, grace shouldn't be so long the food goes cold, lol.

Rekaya Gibson said...

Great list. I agree, don't mess with Thanksgiving. We never have mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving in my family.

Thanks for visiting my site. I forgot that I schedule a post.

The Food Temptress

Heather said...

Rekaya: Thank you, and thanks for taking the time to read my Q&A. ☺